EUREKA GlobalStars-Singapore Call
Enterprise Singapore will be organising an information webinar on Thursday, 25 June 2020 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm (SG time) to share more information about this call, including details on funding support and how you can find project partners. Companies from Singapore and all 14 participating EUREKA countries are welcome to attend.
Are you keen to co-innovate and develop a new product or solution with strong market potential?
The 2nd EUREKA GlobalStars-Singapore Call offers Singapore companies the opportunity to collaborate with companies from 14 EUREKA countries – Austria, Belgium, Canada, Estonia, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, the UK, and Ukraine – on joint innovation projects. As the world's largest network for international cooperation in research and development (R&D) and innovation, EUREKA aims to support market-oriented R&D and innovation projects across all technological sectors In 2019, the inaugural EUREKA GlobalStars-Singapore call funded a total of 17 projects, making it the most successful GlobalStars call out of the seven previous editions with other countries. This year, the 2nd call will be open to all sectors, in order to support all good quality bottom-up joint innovation projects.
- More about the growing collaboration between EUREKA and Singapore
- Eligibility, funding support details and application process for this call
- The EUREKA GlobalStars-Singapore Call’s Virtual Marketplace and business matching process
Dora Meredith, Europe & Global Portfolio Manager, Innovate UK
Dora works works closely with the European institutions to shape the future orientations of the EU’s innovation policy and programmes. She was also the call coordinator for the 2019 EUREKA GlobalStars-Singapore Call. Prior to this role, Dora worked for the Research Councils in the UK.
Mike Timmermans, EUREKA NPC Chair (2019-2020), Netherlands Enterprise Agency
Mike Timmermans is NPC Chairman of the EUREKA network for innovation cooperation, consisting of 45 countries and the European Commission. He is the manager for international research and innovation cooperation of Netherlands Enterprise Agency.
Lim Ming Khai, Deputy Director, Intellectual Property Intermediary (IPI)
Ming Khai is responsible for developing platforms to promote collaborations between technology seekers and technology providers through open innovation. He seeks partnerships with innovation networks and international marketplaces to expand IPI’s network.
Jonathan Lim, Director, Global Innovation Network, Enterprise Singapore
Jonathan strengthens linkages and partnerships with leading global innovation hubs around the world. He was previously with the Ministry of Education, where he was instrumental in the start-up of the Singapore Institute of Technology.
EUREKA GlobalStars-Singapore Call Virtual Marketplace
If you would like to seek a Singapore/EUREKA project partner for this call, please visit
the EUREKA GlobalStars-Singapore Call - Virtual Marketplace to post and search for project opportunities and connect with like-minded companies. B2B video meetings can be arranged between interested parties on the same platform. Click here to sign up.
IPI Online Marketplace
Check out some of the opportunities on the IPI Online Marketplace, subject to the eligibility criteria. You can also register for
a free IPI online account and login to submit your tech offer or tech need to
post your technology partnership opportunity.
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)
Where available, country-specific technology partnership opportunities can also be found on Enterprise Europe Network,
subject to the eligibility criteria under the GlobalStars call.
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