Innovation Challenges

Challenge Owner(s)
Aastar Trading, ACWA Power, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), CNH Indusrial, Saint-Gobain, Seatrium, Sentosa Development Corporation, Sigma Alimentos, Singapore Fashion Council, ST Engineering
, Housing & Development Board (HDB), Global Mind Agriculture, Global Foundries, Good Year, Maha Chemicals
Enterprise Singapore, Agorize
Industry Type(s) Circular Economy & Sustainability
Opportunities and Support Total of over S$2,000,000 in pilot commitment and funding support.
Application Start Date 28 October 2024
Application End Date 10 February 2025
Website Click here to learn more

About Challenge


Sustainability Open Innovation Challenge 6th Edition

In partnership with Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG) and Agorize, this challenge seeks innovators dedicated to making a meaningful impact on our planet. Explore categories such as Climate Change, Green Buildings, Sustainable Agriculture, and Sustainable Materials. Bring your cutting-edge ideas to life and address urgent issues such as lowering carbon emissions and advancing green technologies.

This is your opportunity to transform industries by championing regenerative practices, fostering inclusive growth, and building a future resilient to climate change. Collaborate with global leaders, gain access to diverse industries, and compete for crucial funding and support.

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Challenge Owner(s)Aastar Trading
Industry Types(s)
Agri-tech, Circular Economy & Sustainability, Environmental Services

How might we develop a precise, automated and scaleable pest control solution for palm oil plantations, minimising pesticide waste and labour?


In large-scale oil palm plantations, pest control is critical for maintaining the health and productivity of the trees. One of the most damaging pests in these plantations is the rhinoceros beetle, which attacks the new fronds of palm trees. This leads to significant damage if uncontrolled, since the oil palm trees are a significant investment.

Traditionally, pest control in these environments is labour-intensive, requiring workers to manually inspect and spray pesticide on each tree. This process is inefficient, imprecise, and results in a waste of chemicals, as well as potential harm to beneficial insects needed for pollination.

Currently, workers use long poles to spray pesticides on the tall palm trees where the beetles tend to be. While effective, this method is not precise enough to specifically target the beetles, leading to the indiscriminate spraying of pesticides. The manual nature of the work also requires significant labour, with one worker able to cover only 1 to 1.5 hectares per day, leading to high labour costs and slow pest management. This is a big limitation considering that the industry is currently facing labour shortages.

Attempts to automate the process using off-the-shelf drones have been unsuccessful due to the lack of precision in applying pesticides to the correct parts of the tree. This challenge seeks to overcome these limitations by developing an automated (drone, robot or other) solution that can accurately spray pesticides directly into the top-centre of the trees (at shoots of new fronds). By spraying each tree individually and precisely, we can reduce pesticide usage while still covering the entire block of the plantation.

We are open to different novel solutions; although drones seem promising as they can operate autonomously, are easy to operate by less tech-savvy plantation workers and can achieve the desired precision in spraying. While precision spraying likely requires computer vision and AI technologies, we are not currently looking to use them to detect the beetles, as this is easily done while doing other work at the plantation. If solution providers have detection technologies available, this would be an additional benefit helping to limit the spraying of pesticides to only the neighbourhood of infected trees (instead of the entire block).



Technical Requirements:

  • Easy to operate: Solutions should require little training to utilise, and be easy to operate by workers who are not tech-savvy.
  • Weight: The ability to carry a significant amount of pesticide (weight) as each oil palm tree requires 0.2l (approximately 0.2kg) of pesticide, and 1 hectare contains approximately 150 trees
  • Precision: The ability to spray in the top centre of the palm tree, at the shoots of new fronds in a 20 to 25 cm radius
  • Productivity: the solution should be able to cover a minimum of 10 hectares a day but ideally up to 50 hectares for a post-POC version of the solution
Performance Requirements:
  • The performance of the solution will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  • Savings in pesticides will be considered as part of our drive to be more sustainable.
  • The solution should consider labour shortages in the industry as an important factor in design. The current labour cost for one person per day is 190,000 Indonesian Rupiahs (approximately S$16), and one person covers 1 to 1.5 hectares a day.


Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Solution providers should take note of the current labour costs mentioned above.


Phase 1: POC development: Q2-Q3 2025.

Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: to be determined on a case-by-case basis


If the solution is successful, Aastar Trading and KPN Group are willing to support a roll-out across our plantations. The potential market/business opportunity is huge as the plantations owned by KPN Group alone exceed 200,000 hectares. This solution has great potential for scaling up to other plantations or crops too.


Cash contributions:
  • Up to S$30,000 for POC development.
  • POC development budget will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the quality and feasibility of the proposed solutions.
In-kind contributions:
  • Mentorship and support for solution development.
  • Access to relevant datasets, and pilot plantation site(s).
Additional contributions from EnterpriseSG:
Up to S$20,000 grant support from EnterpriseSG on a matching basis.


We are looking for SMEs and startups with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short time frame (TRL of 5 and higher).

Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, Aastar Trading is agreeable to the FIP being retained by the solution provider after a period of exclusivity

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Challenge Owner(s)ACWA Power
Industry Types(s)
Agri-tech, Digital/ICT

How might we apply AI to optimise energy consumption in large-scale desalination plants?


ACWA Power, a global leader in desalination, is exploring the use of AI to further reduce the consumption of energy and chemicals in its plants while maintaining the current quantity, quality, and safety levels. The priority of the challenge and the AI model is the reduction of specific energy consumption (the energy needed to produce 1 m3 of potable water).

Desalination is a critical process in addressing global water scarcity, but it is highly energy intensive. The typical desalination plant uses between 3 to 3.5 kWh per cubic meter.

To achieve a reduction, the AI can use operational parameters and measurements as inputs. These parameters include (but are not limited to):

  • Temperature, 
  • Feed pressure, 
  • Recovery ratio,
  • Split ratio, 
  • Sea water quality parameters (E.g. total dissolved solids (TDS), ion compositions, and plant equipment design data). 

Currently, we use available data and simulation tools, but would like to implement AI to further optimise efficiency gains. The AI model will not be directly connected to the control system, but will provide recommendations to the operators to periodically adjust the parameters. We have previously applied an AI model to reduce its chemical consumption, resulting in substantial savings. We are therefore looking to achieve the same with our specific energy consumption, with possible additional savings in chemical consumption.

As a Saudi-listed company, we are committed to contributing to the Saudi Vision 2030 sustainability targets, and we invite solution providers to help us achieve that goal.


Technical Requirements:

  • Solutions must be an AI model capable of analysing operational data to adjust parameters such as pressure, flow rates, and others mentioned above for maximum efficiency.
  • Solutions must simultaneously focus on achieving maximum efficiency, reducing energy and chemical consumption, while also maintaining current quantity and quality levels.
  • Solutions must be a prototype that can be tested in a simulated environment before potential real-world application.
  • Solutions must check for safety implications in the desalination process before applying any recommended adjustments.
  • Solutions must be plant-specific (the same AI model may not be of utmost efficiency at all project locations, due to differences in plant design and seawater parameters). Testing of the solution will take place at 1 specified plant first.
  • Solutions should be able to reduce OPEX to a certain extent, (E.g. reduce the consumption of chemicals and energy for desalination plant operation).


Performance Criteria:

The business performance of solutions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. However, we aim to achieve an energy consumption of less than 2.7 kWh per cubic meter. For reference, the typical energy consumption is between 3 to 3.5 kWh per cubic meter.


Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


Phase 1: POC development: Q2 - Q3 2025.
Phase 2: Full scale trial at one selected project: Q4 2025.
Phase 3: Commercial roll-out: to be determined on a case-by-case basis.


The model will initially be deployed at one of ACWA Power's desalination plants. Upon successful implementation, it has the potential to be scaled up for use in all larger desalination facilities within ACWA Power's portfolio.

We are open to solution providers to work with others, however, we expect exclusivity for desalination applications for a period of time or in geographical markets in which we are active.


Cash contributions:
When proving efficiency gains using simulated data, we offer a revenue contract with an indicated value of up to S$35,000 (based on S$1,000/month/location).
In-kind contributions:
As the world’s largest private desalination company, we offer access to leading subject matter experts, mentorship and support for the solution development, access to relevant data sets, lab facilities, research, and pilot site(s). We are also willing to collaborate on research- and white papers that can be used as part of the solution provider's go-to-market. ACWA Power will also cover the costs for filings of new foreground IP developed during the project.


We are looking for SMEs and startups with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short time frame (TRL of 4 and above, e.g. technology validated in lab).

Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, FIP will belong to the solution provider. The costs of filing the FIP will be covered by ACWA Power


Challenge Owner(s)Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)
Industry Types(s)
Circular Economy & Sustainability, Energy & Chemicals

    How might we repurpose unwanted filtered wastewater for greenhouse irrigation, to transform an industrial byproduct into a sustainable asset?


    ADNOC Onshore currently produces water as a natural by-product of the oil production process. Due to the poor quality of this water, it has to be either disposed of or treated intensively before reutilization is possible.

    We are therefore looking for solution providers who can provide an all-in-one solution to treat the water to be reused. Presently, ADNOC Onshore produces approximately 500,000 barrels of water per day, with 75% of this volume being disposed. It is forecasted that the water production will increase in 5 to 10 years, as the field matures, (up to double of what is produced today). Our challenge statement aims to stop this disposal of water.

    Process by which water is generated and treated is outlined below:

    1. Oil is produced together with water and gas byproducts, before undergoing a separation process.
    2. The process uses three-phase separators, gravity or centrifuges to separate oil, water and gas.
    3. The water is further treated and then disposed of in disposal wells drilled for this purpose.

    Solution providers should note that the composition of water varies depending on the drilling site and the producing reservoir characteristics. The main factors contributing to water composition include:      

    1. Subsurface reservoir specifications
    2. Treatment process

    For clarity’s sake, ADNOC is not looking for water sampling and analysis solutions, as this is already done in-house currently. We are specifically looking for solutions that can help to filter the water so that it can be fully reutilised, (e.g. for irrigation purposes). While the composition of the water varies, a typical specification of the treated water to be considered can include the following elements:

    • Hydrocarbon Content (OIW contents)
    • Salinity and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
    • Chemical Additives 
    • Heavy Metals
    • PH Levels
    • Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR)
    • Born and other Micronutrients
    • Radioactive Materials (Norms)
    • Microbial Content     
    • Suspended Solids and Turbidity 

    Solution providers are expected to filter the water such that it can at least be reutilised for irrigation, considering the above-mentioned elements.


    Technical Requirements:

    • The final water sample composition quality should be adequate to reuse.
    • The volume of water to be treated for the pilot project will be up to 50,000 bbl/d. However, the solution should be expendable to cover larger volumes.
    • The ability to deal with different water compositions and contents: ADNOC Onshore will share various prototypes of existing produced water specifications for the solution providers to use in synthetic format.

    Performance Requirements:

    ADNOC is not able to provide specific performance criteria as these will be solution-specific. Performance criteria will be generically evaluated by:

    1. Return on Investment (ROI) of ideally less than 4 years
    2. A 5–10-year business plan looking at total savings (OPEX and CAPEX)
    3. Profitability (measured by the reduction of the cost of disposing of water)     
    4. The solution must serve one or more of the following factors of value: Efficiency, Profitability, Performance, People and Integrity


    Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


    Phase 1: POC Development: Q2-Q3 2025.

    Phase 2: Q3 2025 onwards.


    If the solution is successful, ADNOC Onshore could consider supporting a further roll-out across other locations. 

    ADNOC Onshore would request to utilize the solution exclusively until a full implementation and scale-out across our various sites is completed.  

    We would also request confidentiality regarding the solution until full commercial implementation is attained.


    Cash contributions:
    • (i) Cash prize from S$5,000 – S$10,000 or,
    • (ii) Potential financial support and collaboration opportunities from S$30,000-S$50,000 to support a pilot development.
    • Proposals will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the quality and feasibility of the proposed solutions.
    In-kind contributions:
    • Mentorship and support for solution development
    • Access to relevant datasets, and pilot site(s).
    Additional contributions from EnterpriseSG:
    Up to S$20,000 grant support from EnterpriseSG on a matching basis.


    ADNOC is looking for SMEs and startups with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short time frame (TRL of 6 and higher). 

    Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, ADNOC could consider the FIP being retained by the solution provider.

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    Challenge Owner(s)CNH Indusrial
    Industry Types(s)
    Agri-tech, Circular Economy & Sustainability, Digital/ICT

    How might we empower smallholder farmers in APAC with an affordable digital tool that observes and diagnoses soil and crop health for increased yields, bringing precision agriculture within reach?


    CHN is one of the world’s leading agricultural machinery and equipment manufacturers and operates in over 180 countries worldwide. We are looking to support smallholder farmers in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region with a precision agriculture system, while at the same time expanding our tractor and equipment business.

    Smallholder farmers in the APAC region play a crucial role in regional agriculture but often face systemic challenges that limit their productivity. These farmers typically manage small plots of land with limited access to technology, resources, and data that could help optimise their farming practices. Precision agriculture solutions, which are widely used in large-scale industrial farming, have the potential to revolutionise smallholder farming by providing (real-time) insights into soil health, moisture levels, and crop conditions. However, these technologies are often expensive and technically complex, putting them out of reach for smallholder farmers.

    In addition to productivity challenges, global demand for sustainability reporting and traceability is increasing. Businesses along the agricultural supply chain must provide data on environmental impacts, such as water usage, carbon emissions, and fertiliser application, driven by regulations like the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). Because most of their environmental footprint is associated with the first mile of their supply chains, they are turning to their suppliers for this data. For smallholders, collecting and reporting this data is a significant hurdle, as they lack the necessary tools and connectivity to meet these demands. This excludes them from larger, more lucrative supply chains, thus reducing their earning potential and leaving them vulnerable to market fluctuations.

    By developing an affordable, easy-to-use precision agriculture system, this challenge seeks to bridge this technology gap, empowering smallholders to make data-driven decisions that improve yields and resource efficiency.

    We are seeking a solution that would ideally (but not necessarily) include:

    • Be low-cost and accessible
    • Integrate with and/or partly attach to CNH’s equipment (E.g. tractors)
    • Leverage the geolocation data that is already available from CNH’s tractors
    • Could use sensors if they are easy to use, low maintenance, and can withstand the high temperatures, humidity, and soil and water conditions typical for the APAC region.
    • Use geospatial data and other data sources that are available (at reasonable cost levels)
    • Be an integrated system as end-users are not technology-savvy (no sub-systems)
    • Be adaptable to a wide variety of crops such as rice, wheat, corn, sugar cane, cotton, etc (rice and wheat are a priority)
    • Provide (near real-time) data on soil health, moisture levels, and crop needs
    • Provide actionable insights into the application of fertiliser, nutrients, pesticides, and water (irrigation)
    • Have low infrastructure requirements for connectivity and should be able to handle periods of no connectivity. However, mobile data coverage is generally available in the regions of interest.
    • Should be accessible from a smartphone but also for less tech-savvy users (E.g. through SMS).


    Given the priority of a low-cost system for accessibility reasons, we understand that trade-offs must be made for the system. We encourage solution providers to apply even if they do not meet all the above and are open to working together on balancing cost and functionality. Next to looking for new technologies that enable low-cost versions of existing precision farming systems, we are looking for novel technologies that can achieve a similar result in a disruptive way. Our main priority with this challenge is to improve farmers’ yields, providing reporting data is secondary.



    Technical Requirements:

    • Should provide actionable recommendations on water, soil, pesticides, and nutrients
    • Maintenance should be limited.
    • If batteries are used, they should be long-lasting, and changes should be infrequent and simple
    • The system should integrate with and/or partly attach to CNH’s equipment, such as our tractors
    • Work in low connectivity environments
    • Accessible from a smartphone with SMS as a backup system
    • Simple user interface
    • Have data export capabilities so data can be included in BI systems
    Performance Requirements:
    • Cost to the smallholder farmer is an important performance criterion
    • We are aiming for a win-win situation for solution providers, smallholder farmers and CNH. We are interested in a solution that adds value to our products, differentiates them from competitors, and helps to increase sales.
    • Performance criteria metrics can vary depending on the solution, so we will evaluate the business performance of solutions on a case-by-case basis.


    Since accessibility of the solution for smallholder farmers in APAC is a main concern, the cost level should be as low as possible. Since cost targets will be specific to the solutions offered, we cannot give general guidance. Please note that we are open to exploring different business models together with solution providers (E.g. leasing, financing) to keep the cost of the solution for smallholder farmers as low as possible.


    Phase 1: POC development: Q2-Q3 2025.

    Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: to be determined on a case-by-case basis


    If the solution is successful, CNH is willing to support a roll-out across the APAC region. We are the 2nd largest agricultural machinery manufacturer in the world, our distribution network is large and our reach in the region is significant. We are willing to support the go-to-market of solution providers with our distribution resources.

    As stated before, we are also willing to explore different business models to make the solution more accessible to farmers.


    Cash contributions:
    • Up to S$15,000 for POC development.
    • POC development budget will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the quality and feasibility of the proposed solutions.
    In-kind contributions:
    • Mentorship and support for solution development.
    • Access to relevant datasets, lab facilities, hardware and software components, and pilot site(s).
    • Our India Technology Centre alone has more than 300 engineers and technicians working on agricultural solutions. We have 42 manufacturing facilities globally and 49 R&D centres around the world. This width and depth of knowledge will be unlocked for awarded innovators.


    We are looking for SMEs and startups with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short time frame (TRL of 5/6 and higher).

    Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, FIP ownership is determined on a case-by-case basis where co-developed IP is owned by both parties.

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    Challenge Owner(s)Global Foundries
    Industry Types(s)Circular Economy & Sustainability

    How might we produce significantly more clean or renewable energy from an urban industrial setting in a natural resource poor area, other than from traditional solar PV panels?


    As a semiconductor manufacturer, GlobalFoundries is one of the larger users of electricity in Singapore. In line with our net zero goal, our factory roofs that can support the weight of traditional solar panels have already been outfitted. These standard solar panels are fully optimised but only generate a small amount of electricity in comparison to the huge demand needed. We are looking for solutions that can achieve a step-change in our on-site green electricity generation (clean or renewable).

    We welcome solutions providers with any type of on-site generation solution that would work at our Singapore location. This might include, but is not limited to:

    • Solar
      • Lightweight or flexible solar PV panels for the remaining roof structures that could not structurally support traditional solar panels
      • Structurally sound PV panels that can be placed on the ground on roads and carparks
      • Other types of PV panels integrated in facades or windows, for example
    • Wind, lightweight roof mounted or otherwise
    • Offshore or nearshore renewable energy solutions if they work close to our Woodlands campus site by the Johor Straits
    • Small nuclear modular reactors that can fit into rooms
    • Small scale organic solvent waste incineration
    • Other clean or renewable energy generation methods that can work on our Woodlands campus site in Singapore

    Frequency and time of day for the generated energy is of lesser importance as we can accept switching back to reliance on the grid when the renewable energy might not be available.

    Characteristics of our site and buildings include:

    • Location in the north of Singapore, 300m from Johor Straits
    • The factory buildings are about 8 typical storeys high
    • There are metal roofs, concrete roofs, concrete walls and glass windows. The roofs are generally flat surfaces.  
    • The remaining roof spaces have lower structural loading limits so they are not suitable for traditional PV panels.
    • Small indoor rooms (around 5m x 5m 3m) may be available for equipment/fuel as needed.

    We are not looking for:

    • Optimisation solutions for our traditional solar PV panels which increase yields by a few percentage points.
    • Traditional solar PV panels with greater efficiency of a few percentage points.
    • VPPA, RECs, carbon credits, or other non-physical arrangements.
    • Cogeneration systems / power plants which require a supplied combustible fuel (carbon-based, ammonia, or hydrogen, etc.). We are looking for on-site generation with sources captured from (close to) our site. We are not interested in a separate supply chain or supply infrastructure for fuels. 



    Technical Requirements:

    • Weight and structural limits: Solution must be able to work with existing structural limits of factory buildings (E.g. with rooftops that cannot support heavy additional loads).
    • Space optimisation: Solution should maximise energy output while requiring minimal physical space, allowing for efficient use of the limited available surface area.
    • Safety: Equipment and materials must be compliant to the Singapore Fire Code and be considerate to the buildings' original use as manufacturing facilities. 
    • Equipment: Proposed equipment solutions should include auxiliary equipment to support its operation in these factory buildings and for compliance needs in Singapore.
    • System integration: The solutions should integrate with the existing energy management.
    • On site: Mode of capture should be on-site (We are not looking to introduce a supply chain or infrastructure for fuels etc).
    Performance Requirements:

    Performance criteria will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

    Solution should be able to generate a significant amount of clean energy at competitive prices (see cost target).


    Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis. 

    However, as general guidance USD 12 to 25 cents per kWh when at a stage of mature and scaled up solution is deemed acceptable for the scope of this challenge.


    Phase 1: POC development: Q2-Q3 2025.

    Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: To be determined on a case-by-case basis


    If the solution is successful, GlobalFoundries is willing to support a rollout at scale at our Singapore location. Depending on the nature of the solution proposed and its ability to fit to our site, this scale may vary. Given our electricity demand this can be significant (5 semiconductor fabs). If the solution is also suitable to the characteristics of our other global locations we are willing to support a rollout there as well.

    Additionally, we are open to solutions providers deploying their solutions with other players and industries. We are willing to actively support sharing the solution with others in the same sector and to cooperate for a case-study or white-paper.


    Cash contributions:
    • Awarded innovator will receive support and collaboration opportunities which may lead to paid pilot systems. Depending on the merits of the proposal and the electricity generation potential, the full scale deployment could reach USD $10 million including labour, testing and commissioning, and installation of any needed utilities.
    In-kind contributions:
    • Mentorship and support for solution development.
    • Access to relevant datasets, and pilot site(s). 
    • (If co-development is necessary) Support with engineering design, development, trials, etc.
    Additional contributions from EnterpriseSG:
    Up to S$ 20,000 grant support from EnterpriseSG on a matching basis.


    We are looking for SMEs and startups with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short time frame (TRL of 5/6 and higher). 

    For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, GlobalFoundries is agreeable to the FIP being retained by the solution provider.

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    Challenge Owner(s)Saint-Gobain
    Industry Types(s)
    Circular Economy & Sustainability, Real Estate

    How might we replace virgin sand and limestone filler with processed concrete demolition waste (CDW) in pre-mixed building materials?


    This challenge aims to resolve several issues in the current building materials industry:

    • Vast amounts of concrete demolition waste (CDW) is currently not recycled, resulting in a large environmental footprint.
    • Demolition waste contributes to emissions that reflect in the product’s life-cycle analysis.
    • Current building materials use a lot of virgin sand and limestone materials as fillers, both of which are non-renewable resources.
    • Mining operations for sand and limestone contribute to environmental degradation and additional emissions.
    • Pre-mixed building materials rely heavily on sand and limestone fillers.

    Saint-Gobain is looking for ways to reduce the climate impact of our operations and make our business practices more circular. Therefore we would like to include CDW in our cement based products as a replacement of sand and limestone filler materials. We are looking for solution providers who can help us with some key challenges to make this a reality. These challenges are:

    1. Filtering CDW for foreign materials such as regular- and heavy metals.
    2. Crushing the large pieces of CDW into small powder particles.
    3. Achieving physical properties to sand and limestone.

    This challenge aims to find a sustainable, economic and scalable process to utilise CDW as a filler substitute without compromising product performance, particularly in terms of strength, setting time, and water demand. We are looking to replace up to 20% of our current filler by processed CDW. To further minimize our impact the solution should be conducted in close proximity to our production locations.

    In the past we have looked at other industrial waste streams as a filler replacement, but these were not successful. However, if solutions providers believe they can use other waste streams that are available in sufficient quantities, we are open to considering these solutions as well. This might include non-earth based waste materials.


    Technical Requirements:

    • Waste reduction: Able to divert high volumes of concrete demolition waste into filler materials to achieve a circular economy. The filler should be able to be reused into a cement mixture.
    • Sustainability: The process of converting the concrete demolition wastes into fillers requires minimal energy usage and utilizes non-toxic and/or low-impact methods. It should reduce our carbon footprint.
    • Non-reaction: The CDW based filler should not cause any reaction with the other materials in our cement based products
    • Heavy-metals: The CDW based filler should be free from heavy metals
    • Particle size: The particle size of the CDW based filler should be between 0-4mm (preferably by weight: 0-1mm (40%), 1-2mm (30%), 2-4 (30%)), although some particles between 4-8mm is acceptable.
    • Performance parity: Ensure that the alternative filler maintains or improves the mechanical and aesthetic properties of existing products, including compressive strength, setting time, and water demand.
    • Cost-effective: Economically viable for large-scale implementation. Criteria to be considered includes cost of processing and transportation.
    Performance Requirements:

    The business performance of solutions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. However, generally speaking we would be looking for the following benefits:

    • Cost-effective: The proposed solution must be cost-effective at scale, although initial lower volumes may allow for higher costs if significant sustainability benefits are demonstrated
    • Ability to replace 10-20% of the filler materials by CDW based filler materials.
    • Significant contribution to reduction of emissions and improvement in circularity of our products that contain fillers.


    Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis but must be equivalent or less at full scale production levels. Initial lower volumes allow for higher costs.


    Phase 1: POC development: Q2-Q3 2025

    Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: to be determined on a case-by-case basis


    If the solution proves successful in a POC setting in our Johor plant, we are willing to support further deployment in our remaining plants in Malaysia and potentially in the region.

    We are looking to process sufficient CDW to achieve a volume of 1,000 to 2,000t/month of filler material.

    Additionally, we are open for solution providers to deploy its solution with other industry players.


    Cash contributions:
    • Awarded innovator will receive a cash prize of S$5,000.
    In-kind contributions:
    • Mentorship and support for solution development.
    • Access to relevant datasets, and pilot site(s).
    Potential venture investment from NOVA by Saint-Gobain:
    • NOVA by Saint-Gobain is the venture capital and partnerships branch of the company.
    • (Upon successful POC completion) Solution providers will be assessed by NOVA for potential venture investment.


    We are looking for SMEs and startup with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short time frame (TRL of 4 and higher).

    We expect solution providers to be able to work in Singapore and Malaysia to conduct the pilots and potential scale-up.

    Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, Saint-Gobain is agreeable to the FIP being retained by the solution provider.

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    Challenge Owner(s)Saint-Gobain
    Industry Types(s)Circular Economy & Sustainability

    How might we pioneer eco-friendly packaging solutions for bulk construction products, to reduce environmental impact and set new norms for industrial packaging?


    Saint Gobain Singapore & Malaysia is committed to reducing our carbon footprint and is seeking to innovate our packaging to achieve our sustainability goals. Sustainable packaging not only reduces the carbon footprint of the product but also reduces potential waste in the landfill.

    Paper packaging is widely used for shipping heavy products (e.g., 25kg to 40kg bags) due to its strength and relative sustainability compared to plastic. However, paper production still results in a significant carbon footprint. This challenge aims to reduce the environmental impact of these paper bags by incorporating at least 30% recycled materials while maintaining durability and functionality.

    We are looking to use materials that are sustainable, e.g. bio-based, and have a lower carbon footprint than paper packaging or should consist of post consumer recycled (PCR) material. Since our products are heavy, strength and durability are vital criteria. Our ultimate aim is for our packaging to be fully circular.

    Our current packaging consists of 2 to 3 layers of which one layer is a plastic film (PP liner). This challenge is not aimed at finding alternatives for, or replacing the plastic film layer.


    Technical Requirements:

    • Material composition: The solution must achieve at least 30% recycled content while ensuring that the packaging remains as strong and durable as current two- or three-layer paper packaging. Note that multiple layers are allowed and, if necessary, the current plastic film can be used in the packaging to achieve this requirement.
    • Strength: Packaging must retain enough tensile strength for product transportation and handling (25kg and 40kg bags). The packaging must pass strength and durability tests comparable to current packaging, including load-bearing capacity, puncture resistance, and pressure.
    • Protection: The material should offer the packaged product protection from moisture, contamination, and leakage.
    • Printability: The material should be suitable for standard printing and labeling.
    • Environmental footprint: The packaging must demonstrate a lower carbon footprint than current alternatives.

    Performance Requirements:

    • Cost-effectiveness: The new packaging should have a similar cost level to the current packaging when mass-produced.
    • Sustainability: The new packaging should have a minimized environmental footprint (10% reduction) and increase circularity (10% reduction).
    • Sources: Sources for the material are preferably local to the Malaysia and Singapore area to prevent transportation-related emissions


    Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The new packaging should have the ability to achieve cost levels similar to or less than our current packaging.



    Phase 1: POC development: Q2-Q3 2025.

    Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: to be determined on a case-by-case basis



    A successful packaging solution will be used for relevant products from our Johor Plant, with the potential to be implemented in our remaining plants in Malaysia. We are targeting 20% of total 40,000 bag/month. Additionally, we are open to solution providers deploying its solution with other industry players.


    Cash contributions:
    • Awarded innovator will receive a cash prize of S$5,000.
    In-kind contributions:
    • Mentorship and support for solution development.
    • Access to relevant datasets, and pilot site(s).
    Potential venture investment from NOVA by Saint-Gobain:
    • NOVA by Saint-Gobain is the venture capital and partnerships branch of the company.
    • (Upon successful POC completion) Solution providers will be assessed by NOVA for potential venture investment.


    We are looking for SMEs and startups with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short time frame (TRL of 4 and higher). Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, Saint-Gobain is agreeable to the FIP being retained by the solution provider.

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    Challenge Owner(s)Seatrium
    Industry Types(s)
    Circular Economy & Sustainability, Sea Transport

    How might we boost clean energy production at our shipyards by enhancing solar panel performance and exploring novel power generation technologies suitable for harsh environments?


    Seatrium is a leader in sustainable maritime and new energy engineering. We are committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, but significant challenges remain in reducing our scope 1 and 2 emissions.

    As part of Seatrium’s efforts, we have made significant investments in solar photovoltaic (PV) installations at our shipyards. In Singapore alone, we have an installed base of 18MWp distributed over multiple roofs.

    Industrial dust accumulation is a significant challenge limiting the effectiveness of these solar panels. Fine metallic dust and near sea salinity sediments settle on the surfaces of the solar panels, drastically reducing their efficiency and degrading the panels over time.

    The cleaning process for these panels is labor-intensive, and needs to be conducted frequently to maintain minimal operational efficiency. Addressing this issue with a solution that can either prevent dust accumulation or enable more efficient, cost-effective cleaning is crucial for increasing solar energy output.

    In addition to optimising existing solar infrastructure, we are open to diversifying our renewable energy mix. Given the spatial and environmental constraints of a shipyard—where rooftop space is limited, and dust and weather conditions pose further challenges—there is a need to explore novel renewable energy sources that can supplement solar power. We are open to any novel green electricity generation technique that can generate energy without requiring significant rooftop space or being negatively impacted by the shipyard’s unique conditions.


    Technical Requirements:

    • Solar Efficiency: The solar cleaning solution must restore or improve the panels’ energy output to within 80-90% of their rated capacity. The proposed method should reduce the need for frequent manual cleaning, targeting a reduction in maintenance costs by at least 30%.
    • Energy Output Increase: The proposed renewable energy technologies should contribute at least 300kW additional energy generation at Seatrium’s Singapore shipyards, targeting up to 5 MW of additional capacity from new sources in a post-proof-of-concept phase.
    • Integration: Proposed renewable energy solutions should integrate with our existing energy management system and should be integrated in our current yard processes.
    • Compliance: all proposed solutions should be compliant with applicable local regulations such as (fire) safety, workers, and buildings, as well as industry standards and guidelines.
    Performance Requirements:

    Since sustainability is a key driver for this challenge, the solutions will be evaluated by their ability to reduce our scope 1 and 2 emissions. Solutions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

    Performance criteria will be generically evaluated by:

    • Capability of the fully developed solution in achieving a reduction in our emissions by 50% or more.
    • An energy/carbon equivalent assessment before and after deployment.


    Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The cost target for a solution post-POC is linked to the price of costs saved from carbon tax (pricing avoided as a result of reduced carbon taxation).


    Phase 1: POC development: Q2-Q3 2025.

    Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: to be determined on a case-by-case basis


    If the solution is successful, we are willing to support a further rollout to our Singapore and global yard locations. Depending on the applicability of the solution, we are also potentially interested in integrating the solution into the vessels and platforms we build.

    Additionally, we are open to solution providers to deploy their solutions with other players in the industry.


    Cash contributions:
    • Up to S$50,000 for POC development.
    • POC development budget will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the quality and feasibility of the proposed solutions.
    In-kind contributions:
    • Mentorship and support for solution development.
    • Access to relevant datasets, and pilot site(s).
    Additional contributions from EnterpriseSG:
    • Up to S$20,000 grant support from EnterpriseSG on a matching basis.


    We are looking for SMEs and startups with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short time frame (TRL of 5 and higher).

    Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, FIP ownership will be discussed on case-by-case basis.

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    Challenge Owner(s)Seatrium
    Industry Types(s)
    Circular Economy & Sustainability, Sea Transport

    How might we significantly reduce our scope 1 carbon emissions from the steel fabrication process, through innovative solutions?


    Seatrium is a leader in sustainable maritime and new energy engineering. We are committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, but significant challenges remain in reducing our scope 1 and 2 emissions.

    Welding is a source of emission in Seatrium’s key processes (including shipbuilding and offshore construction) that is particularly hard to abate. Welding is an energy-intensive process that generates substantial carbon emissions, including the use of Carbon Dioxide (COâ‚‚) as a shielding gas. While electrification and other sustainability initiatives have been introduced, these have mainly shifted emissions from Scope 1 (direct emissions) to Scope 2 (indirect emissions through electricity). Further reductions are necessary, especially in processes like welding where alternatives are either underdeveloped or cost-prohibitive.

    Potential solutions including Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) solutions that capture the carbon at the point of the welding should respect the work environment of our welders. Solutions should comply with worker conditions and safety standards.


    Technical Requirements:

    • Welding Emission Reduction: The solution must focus on reducing emissions from the use of COâ‚‚ or other shielding gases in welding and ideally improving the energy efficiency of the process.
    • Integration: The solution must be designed to integrate into Seatrium’s current yard processes and the integration plan should be included and evaluated in tandem with a proposed solution.
    • Compliance: The solution must comply with all relevant industry standards and local regulations for workplace safety and health.
    Performance Requirements:
    • Capability of the fully developed solution in achieving a reduction in our emissions by 50% or more.
    • An energy/carbon equivalent assessment before and after deployment.


    Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The cost target for a solution post-POC is linked to the price of costs saved from carbon tax (pricing avoided as a result of reduced carbon taxation).


    Phase 1: POC development: Q2-Q3 2025

    Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: to be determined on a case-by-case basis


    If the solution is successful, we are willing to support a further rollout to our Singapore and global yard locations. Depending on the applicability of the solution, we are also potentially interested in integrating the solution into the vessels and platforms we build.

    Additionally, we are open to solution providers to deploy their solutions with other players in the industry.


    Cash contributions:
    • Up to S$50,000 to support the pilot development.
    • POC development budget will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the quality and feasibility of the proposed solutions.
    In-kind contributions:
    • Mentorship and support for solution development.
    • Access to relevant datasets, and pilot site(s).
    Additional contributions from EnterpriseSG:
    • Up to S$20,000 grant support from EnterpriseSG on a matching basis.


    We are looking for SMEs and startups with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short time frame (TRL of 5 and higher).

    Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, FIP ownership will be discussed on case-by-case basis.

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    Challenge Owner(s)Sentosa Development Corporation
    Industry Types(s)Digital/ICT

    How might we find novel solutions to mitigate heat and cool down the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect on Sentosa’s outdoor environment?


    Sentosa is a vibrant island destination host to millions of visitors, local and internation, and home to various tourism destination, such as attractions, hotels/accommodations, integrated resort, F&Bs, golden sandy beaches, lush rainforests, heritage sites, world-renowned golf courses, and deep-water yachting marina. As an island situated near the equator, Sentosa is impacted by      Urban Heat Island (UHI) effects, which result in higher temperatures due to heat absorption and retention by surrounding buildings and infrastructure. 

    Given the recent trend of excessive heat, Sentosa is considering implementing novel heat mitigation measures to ensure a good guest experience while enjoying the island. Deploying innovative cooling technologies could enhance Sentosa’s brand value and provide experience benefits, showcasing Sentosa as a sustainable tourism destination. Currently, the highest temperature on Sentosa is about 34-35°C. We would like to decrease this by at least 2 °C.

    SDC is therefore inviting solution providers to provide novel, breakthrough solutions to help us cool down various outdoor environments in Sentosa. Examples of outdoor environments include (but are not limited to):

    • Beachfronts, 
    • Event venues,
    • Open space surrounded by buildings,
    • Open courtyards,
    • Service roads, 
    • Pedestrian walkways (which may also serve as a public gathering space), 
    • Transient spaces (which visitors use to travel to their next destination).      

    Ideally, solutions should be innovative. Solutions could include anything from, but not limited to:

    • A canopy- type structure,
    • Controlled  airflow,
    • New materials such as cooling-tiles etc.

    Solutions we are not interested in include:

    • (Traditional) fan-based solutions,
    • Solutions that drastically affect the aesthetics at the implementation sites (as many Sentosa locations serve as event spaces),
    • Solutions with large surface areas.

    For the benefit of potential solution providers, here are several pre-selected locations that could serve as implementation sites. There are no preferences for an implementation in a specific location. We would prefer to determine - together with the solution provider - which location fits the proposed solution best.

    Locations for consideration (in no order of preference):

    S/NLocationSample Image

    Madame Tussaud Forecourt

    (Area: 2,416 sqm)

    Madame Tussaud Forecourt

    Central Beach Bazaar

    (Area: 4,112 sqm)

    Central Beach Bazaar

    Palawan Beach Event Area

    (Area: 14,293 sqm)

    Palawan Beach Event Area
    4Pedestrian walkways, service roads
    Pedestrian walkwaysService road

    Fort Siloso (heritage building)

    (Open space area: 1,350 sqm)


    Fort Siloso Skywalk

    (Level 1 open space area: 393 sqm)

    Heritage building

    Palawan Green

    (Area: 9,004 sqm)

    Palawan Green


    Technical Requirements:

    • Solutions must comply with all regulatory requirements in Singapore, which may involve working with relevant regulatory agencies to gain authorisation and clearance for implementing these cooling technologies.
    • Solutions should address specific heat mitigation challenges. Specifically, we are looking for a minimum cooling effect of 1-2°C. We understand the cooling effect is dependent on the surface area and will therefore evaluate this on a case-by-case basis.
    • Solutions should preferably include a dashboard to measure the temperature, at least during the pilot stage. Monthly performance report to be provided as part of pilot evaluation.
    • Solutions should produce clear, measurable impacts.
    • Solutions should be truly innovative and novel, and we are willing to experiment together with solution providers.
    Performance Requirements:

    SDC is not able to provide specific performance criteria as these will be very solution-specific. Performance criteria will be generically evaluated using:

    • Cost-benefit analysis where the primarily consideration is the improvement to the guest experience versus the potential cost increase.
    • Proposals will also be evaluated in consultation with an SDC-led committee dedicated to the discovery and development of cooling technologies.


    Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis. 

    Solution providers may propose the scale and cost for further discussion with SDC.


    Phase 1: POC development: Q3-Q4 2025.

    Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: to be determined on a case-by-case basis, target implementation by Q1 2026.  


    If the solution is implemented successfully, SDC is willing to support further deployment across many different sites in Sentosa, including the locations listed for consideration above. Additionally, we are open for solution providers to deploy their solutions elsewhere.

    In case of a successful implementation, SDC would like to have the right of first refusal to be able to implement the solution first.


    Cash contributions:

    Awarded innovator will receive support and collaboration opportunities with SDC.

    Proposals will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the quality and feasibility of the proposed solutions. 

    In-kind contributions:
    • Support for solution development.
    • Access to relevant datasets and pilot site(s) if required.
    • Support in navigating the regulatory landscape for implementing the solutions.
    • Project facilitation support and rental waiver for the identified implementation site during the pilot.


    We are looking for SMEs and startups with breakthrough technologies that can be implemented in a relatively short time frame (TRL of 3 and above, e.g. solution can be an experimental proof of concept).  

    Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, FIP ownership will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

    Additionally, we believe the following considerations to be important:

    • If implemented successfully, this can become a win-win for the demand driver and solution provider with significant scaling opportunities.
    • The installation can yield brand value and experience benefits to Sentosa as a sustainable destination.
    • There are additional opportunities to enhance guest engagement and for the installation to serve as a form of public education on novel solutions for heat mitigation.
    • There might be an opportunity for highly innovative Singapore-based solutions to apply for a government grant and SDC will explore this option together with the solution provider.


    Challenge Owner(s)Sigma Alimentos
    Industry Types(s)
    Digital/ICT, Logistics

    How might we reimagine last-mile cold chain logistics with cutting-edge, sustainable solutions that significantly reduce our carbon footprint while ensuring optimal food safety and quality?


    Sigma Alimentos continuously aims to improve sustainability throughout its operations and value chain, emphasising solutions for reducing carbon footprint and optimising resource usage.

    As part of this ongoing decarbonisation effort, we are looking to improve the transportation of refrigerated or frozen food products for our last-mile delivery. Currently, Sigma Alimentos utilises about 8,000 vehicles across Latin America for our last mile delivery; 7,000 of which are located in Mexico. Our vehicles are always operating at a capacity of 90-100%. Consequently, we cannot afford downtime for our vehicles. In order to reduce carbon emissions across our supply chain, particularly in the category of last mile delivery for cold or frozen products (such as meat and dairy), we require innovative solutions that extend beyond traditional carbon footprint management strategies.

    We are looking for any type of innovative/novel solutions that can help reduce the carbon emissions for our last mile delivery transportation. Solutions include (but are not limited to):

    • Novel refrigerants cooling solutions to bring down the footprint of cold storage.
    • Novel motors utilised by our cold storage vehicles to enable more efficient cooling.
    • Different modes of transportation (natural gas, EV’s etc.).
    Generally, solutions should be delivered at cost parity as compared to our current practice.

    Solution providers should also be aware that we are looking to slowly implement the solution into our existing vehicles since our current fleet has been built over a longer period of time. The fleet therefore represents a significant CAPEX investment that we want to slowly divest. Ideally, solutions should be retrofitted to our existing fleet.

    We have previously tried the following approach or solutions:

    • Traditional Transportation Methods: Efforts to reduce emissions in transportation through traditional methods (E.g., route optimisation, vehicle upgrades) have provided only minimum or marginal improvements and are insufficient to meet bigger sustainability targets.
    • Hybrid or electric fleet. Pilots have worked but it is hard to scale.
    • Hydrogen as fuel-additive. Currently an ongoing pilot.

    We are not interested in the following solutions:

    • Conventional Transportation Enhancements: We are not interested in standard transportation upgrades (E.g., fuel-efficient trucks) that do not incorporate innovative or clean technologies like electric or hybrid vehicles.


    Technical Requirements:

    • Temperature requirements: Solutions should enable us to cool our goods at temperatures of between 2°C and 4°C for cold products and -22°C to -19°C for frozen products.
    • Ideally, we would be looking for solutions that can be implemented both in our existing fleet as well in a potential novel fleet.
    • Maintainability: Solutions should consider that our fleet is deployed all over the country and needs to be serviced regularly. We should therefore be able to support the infrastructure to service our fleets over large geographical areas.
    • Solutions should adapt to existing infrastructure. Some solutions cannot be scaled due to lack of infrastructure.
    • Possibility to implement within a 3 to 6 month timeframe.
    • The solution should seamlessly integrate with existing systems and processes within Sigma Alimentos.
    • Solutions must show consistent performance and reliability under real operational conditions.
    • Solutions should include dashboards that give us insights into key parameters (E.g. current temperature, and a warning system in case of issues).
    Performance Requirements:

    The business performance of solutions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

    Generally speaking we would be looking for the following business benefits:

    • Solutions should be at cost parity as compared to current last-mile delivery cost
    • Solutions should enable a meaningful carbon emission reduction
    • Ideally, we would like to see a ROI of less than 1 year for implementation


    Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Sigma Alimentos is willing to support a POC through a combination of in-kind and cash investment but does require the startup to co-invest as this is a co-innovation project.


    Phase 1: POC development: Q3-Q4 2025.

    Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: to be determined on a case-by-case basis, target implementation by Q1 2026.


    If the solution is successful, SA is willing to support further deployment across other locations worldwide. SA has businesses in 17 locations. This includes:

    • North America: Mexico and the United States.
    • Europe: Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain.
    • Latin America: Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru.


    Cash contributions:
    • Up to S$30,000 budget to support pilot development.
    • POC development budget will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the quality and feasibility of the proposed solutions.
    In-kind contributions:
    • Mentorship and support for solution development.
    • Access to relevant datasets, and pilot site(s).
    Additional contributions from EnterpriseSG:
    • Up to S$20,000 grant support from EnterpriseSG.


    We are looking for SMEs and startups with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short-time frame (TRL of 5 and higher). For solutions related to ingredients and raw materials, we are willing to look at lower TRL levels (E.g. TRL of 4: Technology validated in a lab environment only). For disruptive technologies, a higher TRL is desired where the solution has been tested in operational environments.

    Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, FIP ownership will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

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    Challenge Owner(s)Singapore Fashion Council
    Industry Types(s)
    Digital/ICT, Retail

    How might we reimagine and pioneer sustainable retail packaging, to minimise waste and carbon footprint while maintaining brand allure and visual appeal?


    Singapore Fashion Council (SFC) is seeking innovative high-volume packaging solutions, such as paper bags, that reduce environmental impact while maintaining durability, functionality, and visual appeal.

    SFC operates a multi-label store, Design Orchard (DORS), in the heart of Orchard Road in Singapore. We are the official association for the fashion and textile industry in Singapore, with over 200 members and close to 90 brands in DORS which also need packaging requirements.

    We have a clear sustainability roadmap for the fashion industry with packaging waste being an important item. Furthermore, sustainability is becoming increasingly vital for retail operations, both to align with consumer demand and upcoming regulations, such as Singapore’s Green Plan 2030.

    Packaging, particularly for apparel and lifestyle products, is crucial in brand presence and customer experience. Currently, available eco-friendly packaging options are cost-prohibitive and often lack the required strength and aesthetic appeal. We have already switched from matte-laminated bags to uncoated kraft paper bags to support better recyclability but like to further reduce our footprint.

    For use in our own Design Orchard shop and the retail outlets of our members, we are looking for recycled, bio-based, waste-based and/or FSC-certified alternative materials for high-volume packaging items such as (paper) bags, gift bags, wrapping paper, gift tags, and gift boxes. The solution should reduce carbon emissions and waste and preferably implement circular economy practices or be bio-degradable.

    We are open to packaging materials made from entirely new materials or hybrid solutions where the new, more sustainable material is mixed with existing materials. The new packaging should perform similarly to existing materials in terms of strength, weight, durability, printing quality and luxury feeling.

    In our search for more sustainable packaging, we have already looked at solutions based on sugar cane paper, but the costs were over 300% higher, making it not economically viable.



    Technical Requirements:

    • Material: The material should be sustainable. This can be either bio-based and sustainably sourced, waste-based or recycled, taking into account circular economy principles.
    • Footprint: The new material should reduce our environmental footprint compared to current (kraft) paper-based materials.
    • Strength: The packaging should be of sufficient strength to support both apparel and lifestyle items (E.g. ceramic homeware, glass diffusers, heavyweight apparel, bags, etc).
    • Durability: The packaging material should be durable and able to withstand all weather conditions such as rain and humidity.
    • Printability & Luxury: The materials should be well suited for printing with (sustainable) inks and have a luxurious feel as the brand experience is important.
    • Waste Reduction: Sustainability and innovation are key pillars for SFC; therefore waste reduction throughout the supply chain is a priority.
    • Form: We are looking for solutions in various forms such as paper/gift bags, wraps and wrapping paper. Paper bags have the highest volume and, therefore, are a priority.

    Performance Requirements:
    • Sustainability: Sustainability metrics are important in evaluating solutions.
    • Costs: Final packaging solutions should not exceed a 50% price increase from current costs (at scaled-up production volumes).


    Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis. For general guidance, we are willing to pay a premium of up to 50% compared to current packaging costs, with the maximum unit price not exceeding S$1 (at scaled-up production volumes).


    Phase 1: POC development: Q2-Q3 2025.

    Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: to be determined on a case-by-case basis.


    We are looking to use the sustainable packaging solution for our own needs at DORS, but will also market the solution aggressively to business partners and members of the council. As the official association for the fashion and textile industry in Singapore, our members make up a large portion of Singapore’s garment and manufacturing markets, with outlets spanning across the Asian region and in America as well. If the solution is cost-effective, we can pitch it to over 100 brands for their consideration to retail in their stores across Singapore.

    Many of our members are SME companies and don’t have access to innovations like sustainable packaging materials. We will be a go-to-market partner towards this interested group of potential customers.

    For our own needs, we typically require quantities of 40,000 paper bags per order. In DORS alone, the annual volume required is 65,000 assorted packaging items.


    Cash contributions:
    • Up to S$30,000 to support POC development.
    • POC development budget will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the quality and feasibility of the proposed solutions.
    In-kind contributions:
    • Mentorship and support for solution development.
    • Access to relevant datasets, and pilot site(s).
    • Access to knowledge and network from SFC’s programs supporting innovation in fashion and textile space.
    Additional contributions from EnterpriseSG:
    • Up to S$20,000 grant support from EnterpriseSG on a matching basis.


    We are looking for SMEs and startups with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short-time frame (TRL of 5 and higher).

    Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, SFC is agreeable to the FIP being retained by the solution provider.

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    Challenge Owner(s)Good Year
    Industry Types(s)Land Transport

    How can we find novel solutions and technologies to convert biomass residual waste into base chemicals for Goodyear tyres?


    Goodyear is looking for novel solutions and technologies that enable us to convert biomass residual waste into base chemicals for our tyres.

    Our core business is the production of tyres on a global scale. Currently, many of the raw materials used in tyre production are petroleum derived. Many industries - including the tyre industry - must transform their upstream supply base to incorporate new, sustainably sourced raw materials to help reduce carbon emissions and address climate change.

    Consider alternatives that align with the following factors:

    1. Possible customer demand
    2. Carbon footprint reduction
    3. Belief that alternatives can be found at cost parity

    Examples of base chemicals we believe could potentially be produced include (but are not limited to):

    • Naphtha,
    • Ethylene,
    • Propylene,
    • Paraxylene,
    • Benzene,
    • Ammonia,
    • Crude C4,
    • Processing oils,
    • Styrene,
    • Butadiene,
    • and/or aniline and other aromatic chemicals.

    Of these base chemicals above, naphtha is the most significant potential replacement chemical. However, we are open for any solutions that could replace any base chemical that is petroleum derived.

    Today, several recycled and renewable materials and technologies are already readily available in the market. However, most of the available solutions do not deliver the same performance, are subject to food competition, are not commercially viable, and/or do not necessarily reduce carbon footprint. We believe the conversion of biomass residual waste into usable new chemicals for our tyres could be a desirable pathway to help us achieve our sustainability goals while not impacting performance or price.

    We are not interested in solutions that:

    • Demonstrate a lower performance, as compared to petroleum-based raw materials used today
    • Are economically unattractive
    • Utilise first cycle biomass
      • We wish to focus on second generation feedstock including crops unsuitable for human or animal consumption or more ideally plant waste materials).
      • Third generation feedstock biomass from algae can also be considered
    • Are downcycled (we believe downcycling solutions will not demonstrate sufficient performance)

    As an example, Goodyear has already successfully validated and implemented the use of a waste product (rice husk) to produce high-purity silica that meets specifications for use (reinforcing silica in tyre compounds). We are looking for additional technologies that can produce raw materials or base chemicals for the synthesis of tyre materials (E.g., monomers) that are derived from biomass residual waste.


    Technical Requirements:

    • The technology should produce base chemical(s) with appropriate purity levels to subsequently synthesise raw materials at a cost-effective yield.
    • The base chemicals to be produced can include (but are not limited to) naphtha, ethylene, propylene, paraxylene, benzene, ammonia, crude C4, processing oils, styrene, butadiene, and/or aniline.
    • A favourable life cycle assessment of the process relative to a petroleum-derived alternative is required.
    • In the case of circular oil replacement, we will evaluate factors such as viscosity and flash point.
    • Additional technical requirements would be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the technology.

    Performance Criteria:

    Goodyear is not able to provide specific performance criteria as these will be solution and/or chemical specific. Performance criteria will be generically evaluated by:

    • Ease of implementation in our existing supply chain and processes
    • Return on investment. Goodyear will continue to prioritize efficient investments where realized rates of return are greater than the weighted average cost of capital.


    Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

    At scale, we are looking for solutions on par with relevant market prices of petroleum-derived raw materials. We understand that it will take time to reach cost parity as part of achieving economies of scale.


    Phase 1: POC development: Q2-Q3 2025.

    Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: To be determined on a case-by-case basis.


    If the Proof of Concept is successful, Goodyear is willing to support a global rollout pending further commercial discussions.

    We also are open for solution providers to propose solutions to non-tyre sectors and believe there are additional opportunities in other industries (E.g. plastics).

    For the tyre-industry, we would like the first right of refusal for a limited period of time as part of our potential joint rollout.


    Cash contributions:

    Budget to support pilot development to be discussed upon identification of the project.

    In-kind contributions:
    • Mentorship and support for solution development.
    • Access to relevant datasets, lab facilities and pilot site(s).
    • Laboratory analysis of sample(s) provided by participants to confirm technical specifications of material are met to confirm success of challenge.
    • Technical expertise and guidance plus market/business knowledge
    • In-house life cycle assessment (LCA) specialist
    • Finally, Goodyear is willing to be a go-to-market partner to help the solution provider to bring the solution to Goodyear’s partners as well
    Additional contributions from EnterpriseSG:
    • Up to S$20,000 grant support from EnterpriseSG.


    We are looking for subject matter experts (SMEs) and startups with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short time frame (Technology Readiness Levels - TRL - of 5 and higher, e.g. solution should have been validated in a relevant environment).

    Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, Goodyear is agreeable to the FIP being retained by the solution provider. In case Goodyear contributes specific (industry) know-how that leads to new FIP creation, in such case, Goodyear would be looking for joint FIP ownership.

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    Challenge Owner(s)Maha Chemicals
    Industry Types(s)Sustainable Energy

    How might we pioneer a next-generation emulsifier that transforms upcycled materials into high-performance ingredients, enhancing sustainability in food and personal care products?


    As a result of customer demand, global trends, and our mission to deliver sustainable solutions, MAHA Chemicals is looking for eco-friendly, upcycled emulsifier materials for our personal care and food customers. Both markets use significant amounts of emulsifiers to process emulsion products.

    There are currently two available upcycled emulsifiers; upcycled emulsifier from seaweed (environmental waste) and another from birch of the timber industry (industry waste). The first emulsifier, from seaweed, have a limitation in holding the oils in the solution because the chemistry is polymer-based. Whereas the second one has a limitation in pH-sensitivity because the lignin inside the emulsifier is sensitive on the pH changes. Those are the current limitations of the (commercially) available upcycled emulsifiers.

    We are looking for a sustainable, upcycled emulsifier, preferably capable of functioning at low temperatures (ideally below 40°C) with low energy use.

    1. Emulsifiers should be sustainable, upcycled from waste streams (E.g. food waste from food manufacturers, or environmental waste, etc.).
    2. Emulsifiers should preferably be energy efficiency. Most emulsifiers on the market require high temperatures or high energy to melt and disperse and function optimally.

    Liquid emulsifiers are preferable as they require no or limited heating (to 40°C). In comparison, solid emulsifiers need to be heated to 60° to 80°C for processing. The other element that requires energy during processing is the homogenisation for breaking the polymers at high speeds, if the emulsifier is more likely polymer-based. Therefore emulsifiers that are easily dispersible are also preferred to conserve energy.

    Given the demand of our current customer base, the innovative emulsifier solution providers propose should be able to be produced at high volumes, so waste streams should be sufficiently available.

    To select a solution provider for POC development, we will need to be able to test a sample (1kg to 5kg of volume).



    Technical Requirements:

    The ideal emulsifier should meet the following criteria:
    • Sustainably sourced: The emulsifier should be made from sustainably sourced, eco-friendly, preferably upcycled waste materials (any kind of waste as long as it is animal free, non-GMO).
    • Low odour: The emulsifier must have a neutral or minimal odor to ensure versatility in various applications, especially in food and personal care, where sensory attributes are critical.
    • Minimal or no colour: A neutral color profile is essential for maintaining the visual integrity of the end products in which the emulsifier will be used in.
    • Form and energy usage: The emulsifier should be available in either liquid form at room temperature (preferred) or as a solid with a low melting point (below 40°C, allowing for processing in cold or low-temperature conditions). This enables manufacturers to reduce energy consumption and lower their carbon emissions during production. The lower the processing temperature, the better.
    • Emulsification versatility: The emulsifier must have the capability to emulsify a wide range of oils, including both polar and non-polar oils, providing flexibility across different product formulations in food and personal care applications.
    • HLB value: The emulsifier should have an HLB (Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance) ranging between 3 and 12. This wide range allows it to be adaptable to different types of emulsions, whether oil-in-water or water-in-oil, giving manufacturers flexibility in product development.
    • Stability: The emulsifier must be stable (E.g. no color changes or smells at high temperature storage like 40°C for long time).
      Shelf life: The emulsifier should ideally have a shelf life of at least 2 years.
    • Waste streams: should be available in sufficient quantities (>20kg a day)
    Performance Requirements:
    • Volume: First batch sample of between 1kg to 5kg should be available for internal and key account testing during selection. Volume should be able to increased in a 2nd phase trail to 500kg to 1000kg (within 6 months to 1 year)


    Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis. 

    We are willing to pay an additional 30% compared to current emulsifier market prices. In absolute numbers, we are targeting a cost level at scaled up production volumes that should be approximately around US$20 per kg.


    Selection (To select a solution provider for POC development, we will need to be able to test a sample (1kg to 5kg of volume)): End of February - April. 

    Phase 1: POC Development (500kg - 1,000kg of volume): Q3- Q4 2025.

    Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: to be determined on a case-by-case basis


    If the solution is proven successful during POC development, we will commercialise the emulsifier with our current and future customer base and expect volumes to reach 100mt per annum. 

    Additionally, we are open to solution providers to deploy their solutions with other players.


    Cash contributions:

    Up to S$30,000 for POC development.

    POC development budget will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the quality and feasibility of the proposed solutions.

    In-kind contributions:
    • Mentorship and support for solution development.
    • Access to relevant datasets and pilot site(s).
    Additional contributions from EnterpriseSG:
    Up to S$20,000 grant support from EnterpriseSG on a matching basis.


    We are looking for SMEs and startups with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short time frame (TRL of 5 and higher). 

    Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, Maha Chemicals is agreeable to the FIP being retained by the solution provider.

    Challenge Owner(s)Sigma Alimentos
    Industry Types(s)Agri-tech

    How might we leverage novel technologies in animal nutrition, manure management and precision farming to create a carbon-negative value chain, setting new industry norms in sustainable food production?


    Sigma Alimentos continuously aims to improve sustainability throughout our operations and value chain, emphasising solutions for reducing carbon footprint and optimising resource usage.

    As part of our ongoing decarbonisation efforts, we are committed to reducing Scope 3 emissions through the Science Based Targets Initiative. We have identified that more than 95% of our total emissions come from Scope 3. For the last year, Sigma has focused on assuring our Scope 3 emissions inventory while aiming to evaluate 80% of their raw material purchases through questionnaires directed to suppliers to learn about their sustainability practices and obtain primary data for our emissions inventory.

    When separating the emissions by category, Category 1: Purchases goods and services represents 90% of our total scope 3 emissions, and we are looking to reduce our scope 3 emissions in this area. % of Scope 3 Category 1 CO2 emissions:

    • Meat 56%
    • Dairy 14%
    • Trade Products 13%
    • Ingredients 9%
    • Packaging 5%
    We are therefore open for solution providers to suggest solutions for all categories (meat, dairy, trade products etc).

    Solutions should consider that it will be easier for us to implement solutions with medium and smaller suppliers. Therefore, the cost has to be palatable to our suppliers too as solutions will have to be adopted by them.

    Some examples of innovative solutions that could help reduce scope 3 emissions include:

    • Reduce methane emissions through proper manure management.
    • Reduce enteric emissions through innovative and safe solutions (E.g. dietary supplements for animals).
    • Ensure sustainable animal feed through regenerative agricultural practices.
    • Improve feed efficiency and reduce waste (E.g. by adopting precision livestock farming techniques that optimise feeding schedules and quantities, minimising overfeeding and associated methane emissions).

    We have previously tried or are currently trying the following approach or solutions :

      • Enteric Emissions Control: Cow digestion control
      • Manure Management: Transform manure into energy and fertilizers with local farmers, and providing access to technology.
      • Conventional Supplier Engagement: Attempts to reduce Scope 3 emissions through standard supplier engagement and monitoring have had limited impact due to a lack of innovative collaboration and insufficient data transparency.


    Technical Requirements:

    • Sigma Alimentos is not able to provide specific technical requirements as these will be case-specific and we are open to different solutions being proposed.
    • We are generally looking for the following benefits:
    • A meaningful reduction in CO2 and/or methane
    • Solutions that are at cost parity as compared to current practices. (There is a significant CO2/Methane reduction, a slight cost increment could be considered.)
    Performance Requirements:

    The business performance of solutions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


    Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Sigma Alimentos is willing to support a POC through a combination of in-kind and cash investment but does require the startup to co-invest as this is a co-innovation project.


    Phase 1: POC development: Q3-Q4 2025.

    Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: to be determined on a case-by-case basis, target implementation by Q1 2026.


    If the solution is successful, Sigma Alimentos is willing to support further deployment across other locations worldwide. SA has businesses in 17 locations. This includes:

    • North America: Mexico and the United States.
    • Europe: Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain.
    • Latin America: Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru.


    Cash contributions:
    • Up to S$30,000 budget to support pilot development.
    • POC development budget will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the quality and feasibility of the proposed solutions.
    In-kind contributions:
    • Mentorship and support for solution development.
    • Access to relevant datasets, and pilot site(s).
    Additional contributions from EnterpriseSG:
    • Up to S$20,000 grant support from EnterpriseSG.


    We are looking for SMEs and startups with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short-time frame (TRL of 5 and higher). For solutions related to ingredients and raw materials, we are willing to look at lower TRL levels (E.g. TRL of 4: Technology validated in a lab environment only). For disruptive technologies, a higher TRL is desired where the solution has been tested in operational environments.

    Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, FIP ownership will be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

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    Challenge Owner(s)ST Engineering
    Industry Types(s)Air Transport

    How might we capture (and store) CO2 emissions arising from our engine test cell activities?


    ST Engineering, a global technology group, is committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across its operations, especially in its commercial aerospace business, where engine testing is a critical and emission-intensive activity.

    As the maintenance, repair and overhaul of airplane engines is one of our core business areas, a substantial amount of aviation jet fuel is consumed every year in engine test cell operations generating substantial COâ‚‚ emissions. Currently, these emissions are vented into the atmosphere through exhaust tunnels, contributing directly to the organization’s carbon footprint. We are keen to explore innovative carbon capture (and storage) technologies to, at least partially, bring down the CO2 emissions from our engine testing operations.

    For each engine test run, we consumed about (1000-5000) liters of aviation grade fuel (Jet A1), generating around 2.27 tons of COâ‚‚ per 1,000 liters . We are looking for solutions that can demonstrate to capture at least 20% of the resultant emissions.

    Potential solutions can include any viable carbon capture technologies including but not limited to:

    • Chemical solvents;
    • Membrane based technology;
    • Reverse Osmosis;
    • Oxyfuel combustion;
    • Absorption etc.

    We are open to any solutions that can achieve our objectives notwithstanding factors such as feasibility of implementation, solution effectiveness and cost.

    Solution providers should be aware that there is also a correlation factor to be applied during each engine run depending on the type/model of engines being tested and this correlation factor may potentially be affected for CO2 capture. ST Engineering is willing to work with shortlisted solution providers to jointly resolve this challenge.

    To the best of our knowledge, no solution exists in the market today that specifically focuses on CO2 capture from engine test cell activities. In 2023, ST Engineering initiated efforts to explore carbon capture technologies, seeking solutions that could efficiently capture COâ‚‚ without interfering with the operational requirements of our engine test cells. However, current solutions in the market are either unproven in this specific use case or lack the feasibility for real-world implementation in test cells. Any solution must be designed with the test cell environment in mind, ensuring minimal impact on the engine correlation factor used during testing and enabling integration into the existing infrastructure, such as the exhaust tunnel measuring approximately 3.5 meters in diameter and 10-15 meters in length. Furthermore, the solution should be able to withstand the high temperatures and pressures generated by the jet engines.


    Technical Requirements:

    • Form factor: Our exhaust tunnel is about 3.6m wide and 10m long. There are 4 functioning engine test cells all with slightly varying sizes.
    • Correlation factor impact: The solution should not impact the engine correlation factor to ensure testing accuracy and consistency. There is a specific correlation factor designed for each specific engine model and engine test cell which the solution should not impact. We are willing to work with solution providers to determine the impact on the correlation factor.
    • Gas mixture: We require a solution that focuses on CO2 since it forms the bulk of the exhaust emissions. Methane and N2O capture would be a bonus feature but is not a mandatory requirement.
    • Efficacy: The solution should capture at least 20% of CO2 emissions when our engine test cells are running.
    • Engine temperature: 600 - 1000 °C.
    • Engine pressure: 23,000 - 35,000 pounds thrust (depending on engine type).
    • Exhaust gas: Vary depending on the amount of jet fuel consumed during the engine test run. As a general estimate, the resultant emission is around 2270 kg for 1000 litres of fuel.
    • Mixture of gas (~99.12% CO2, 0.019% CH4, 0.075% N2O).
    • Frequency of operations: 6 – 7 engine runs monthly.
    Performance Requirements:

    ST Engineering is not able to provide specific performance criteria as these will be solution-specific. Depending on the percentage of CO2 captured, performance criteria will vary. Performance criteria will be generically evaluated by:

    • Return on Investment (ROI).
    • Lifetime of the solution.
    • Ease of operations and maintenance with minimal disruption to our engine runs after implementation of proposed solutions.


    Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Ideally, the solution or final product should not cost more than S$150,000.


    Phase 1: POC development: Q2-Q4 2025.

    Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: to be determined on a case-by-case basis.


    ST Engineering currently operates 4 active engine test cells, excluding our overseas test cell sites.

    If the solution is successful, ST Engineering is willing to support further deployment across other ST Engineering sites, e.g. China (Xiamen). We also encourage solution providers to explore further deployment with other industry players and we see a similar demand from other engine OEMs as well as applications in adjacent industries (E.g. automotive).


    Cash contributions:
    • Up to S$150,000 to support the POC development
    • POC development budget will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the quality and feasibility of the proposed solutions.
    In-kind contributions:
    • Mentorship and support for solution development
    • Access to relevant datasets, lab facilities and pilot site(s)
    Additional contributions from EnterpriseSG
    • Up to S$20,000 grant support from EnterpriseSG
    Additional incentives

    Within ST Engineering, the Group encourages individual staff with bright and potential ideas to step forward to propose new products / services offered by the Group and is prepared to fund startups for selected ideas. The Group offers profit sharing for successful startups.

    For SOIC 6th Edition, if ST Engineering is involved in one way or another to co-develop any feasible and implementable solutions with participating startups to address the challenges in our challenge statements, we can potentially consider a similar profit sharing plan that we are offering for our own internal successful spin offs. For clarity, we would propose or negotiate such a profit sharing scheme if ST Engineering would materially contribute to the realisation of the solution, e.g. joint Foreground IP creation. Additionally, this profit sharing scheme would be applicable to only startups and not established players.



    We are looking for SMEs and startups with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short-time frame (TRL of 5 and higher).

    For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, ST Engineering is agreeable to the FIP being shared with the solution provider depending on each party’s contribution.

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    Challenge Owner(s)Global Mind Agriculture

    How might we transform sugarcane bagasse and coconut fibre-enhanced bioplastics that revolutionise single-use packaging using bio-processing?


    Global Mind Agriculture focuses on developing and implementing sustainable agricultural practices that improve resource efficiency and reduce environmental impact. We aim to innovate in regenerative farming, carbon sequestration, and climate-resilient food systems to support a more sustainable global food supply chain.

    As part of our ongoing efforts to drive sustainable agriculture, we have identified an opportunity to develop biodegradable plastic solutions from bagasse and coconut. Bagasse is a byproduct of sugarcane processing and due to its fibrous nature, is a promising raw material for producing biodegradable plastics. Similarly, coconut can also be a promising raw material for developing biodegradable plastics.

    These plastics can potentially replace traditional single-use plastics, thus contributing significantly to reducing plastic pollution. However, there are challenges and inadequacies in the current technologies and applications in this domain.

    Bagasse and coconut are mainly composed of three primary components:

    1. Cellulose: This is the primary structural component of plant cell walls and makes up a significant portion of bagasse and coconut. It is a polysaccharide that is composed of glucose units.
    2. Hemicellulose: This is the second major component of bagasse, making up about 25-30% of bagasse and coconut. Hemicellulose is a complex carbohydrate made up of different sugar monomers such as xylose, mannose, and galactose. It has a more amorphous structure than cellulose, making it easier to break down.
    3. Lignin: The third major component, lignin, is a complex polymer that provides rigidity and resistance to degradation. It acts as a binder for cellulose fibres in the plant cell walls, giving structural strength to the material.

    Currently, GMA only uses bagasse for boiler combustion, so we want to expand the application of bagasse.

    Current approaches to developing bioplastics from bagasse and coconut suffer from the following challenges:

    1. Limited Material Strength and Durability
    2. High Production Costs
    3. Limited Biodegradability in Certain Environments
    4. Lack of Standardisation and Regulation
    5. Limited Public Awareness and Acceptance

    We previously focused on enhancing the material strength of biodegradable plastics derived from bagasse by blending them with other polymers or reinforcing them with fibres. While blending or reinforcing improves strength to some extent, the resultant materials were often less durable than traditional plastics, and faced issues like reduced flexibility or increased production costs; making them less competitive in the market.

    We have also tried to blend bagasse-derived bioplastics with starch, a common biodegradable material. However, this often led to decreased material strength and not enough water resistance.

    We are not looking for solutions where we have to utilise multiple chemical processes to produce bioplastics. Solutions and methods should be bio-friendly.



    Technical Requirements:

    • Biodegradability: The plastic should be fully biodegradable, breaking down into natural substances in a reasonable timeframe (e.g. compostable within a few months to a year).
    • Performance: Efficient degradation under various environmental conditions, ensuring minimal environmental impact and reducing plastic pollution.
    • Material Strength and Durability: The biodegradable plastic should possess sufficient strength and durability for various applications (similar to traditional plastics). The material should also be suitable for diverse uses without frequent breakage; it should resist mechanical stress, bending, and stretching without compromising integrity.
    • Water Resistance: The plastic should exhibit resistance to water absorption, ensuring stability when in contact with moisture. The material should maintain structural integrity and functional properties even in humid or wet conditions, enabling usage in various environments.
    • Customisability: The plastic formulation should allow customisation for specific applications and requirements. Ideally, the material should be flexible in adjusting material properties (e.g. flexibility, rigidity) to cater to different products, from packaging materials to disposable items.
    • Ease of Processing: The plastic should be easy to process using common manufacturing techniques like injection moulding, extrusion, and thermoforming. This includes compatibility with standard processing equipment, enabling seamless integration into existing manufacturing processes without significant modifications.
    • Certifications and Standards Compliance: Compliance with relevant international standards and certifications for biodegradable and compostable plastics.
    • (if applicable) Safe for Food Contact: If intended for food packaging, the plastic should be food-safe and approved for direct contact with edible items. This includes the following properties: Non-toxic, odourless, and free from harmful chemicals, ensuring the safety of food products and consumer well-being.
    • Carbon Footprint Reduction: The production of plastic should contribute to reducing the overall carbon footprint.
    Performance Requirements:

    The production process should be cost-effective, allowing competitive pricing in the market. Ideally, we are looking for a new bioplastic that is comparable in terms of cost

    We will evaluate the overall business case, ROI and commercial potential of the new bioplastics as part of the POC and pilot


    Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

    Generally, the maximum product cost for biodegradable plastic solutions from bagasse could be targeted at a range between 5% to 20% higher than the cost of equivalent traditional plastics in the market.

    Several factors influence the cost of the final product, including:

    • Raw material expenses,
    • Production processes,
    • Labour,
    • Energy consumption, and
    • Market demand.


    Phase 1: POC development: Q3-Q4 2025.

    Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: To be determined on a case-by-case basis, target implementation by Q1 2026.


    If the solution is successful, GMA is willing to support a further global rollout. The larger market opportunity is very significant across various industries too. We will be looking to become the go-to-market partner to bring the solution to multiple markets together.

    Potential demand from other industries could include (but not limited to):

    • Packaging Industry
    • Food Service and Catering
    • Retail Chains
    • Waste Management Companies
    • Agricultural Industry
    • Custom Manufacturing


    Cash contributions:

    Up to S$30,000 budget to support pilot development.

    POC development budget will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the quality and feasibility of the proposed solutions.

    In-kind contributions:
    • Mentorship and support for solution development.
    • Access to relevant datasets, lab facilities and pilot site(s)
      • Data and Research Materials: Access to relevant data, scientific literature, and research materials related to bagasse-based polymers and biodegradable plastics will be provided. This information is vital for informed decision-making and experimental design
      • Test/Pilot Sites: Test sites and pilot production facilities will be available to conduct trials and experiments at various scales. These sites enable researchers to validate their findings, optimise production processes, and test the performance of biodegradable plastic products.
      • Market Research and Consumer Insights: Understanding consumer preferences and market trends is essential for product development and successful market penetration.
      • Business Development Support: Guidance and support in business development aspects, including market analysis, business strategy formulation, intellectual property protection, and commercialisation planning. Assistance in creating a viable business model and go-to-market strategy will be provided.
    Additional contributions from EnterpriseSG:

    Up to S$20,000 grant support from EnterpriseSG on a matching basis.



    We are looking for SMEs and startups with solutions that can be implemented in a relatively short time frame (TRL of 5 and higher).

    Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, FIP ownership will be discussed on a case-by-case basis. GMA also plans to seek a licensing agreement with the selected solution provider to facilitate commercialisation of the solution following a successful POC


    Challenge Owner(s)Housing & Development Board (HDB)

    How might we improve indoor thermal comfort in Singapore’s public housing flats in a scalable, energy-efficient way?


    The Housing & Development Board (HDB) of Singapore is instrumental in providing affordable housing to more than 80% of the resident population. By creating sustainable, comfortable and inclusive living environments, HDB is central to shaping the nation’s housing landscape and enhancing the quality of life for Singaporeans. Singapore’s hot and humid climate makes indoor thermal comfort a key concern, particularly for households without air-conditioning. The rising temperatures driven by climate change have only intensified this challenge, as HDB residents increasingly face days with high humidity days, low wind, relentless heat and conditions that can make homes uncomfortable.

    Our developments are designed to embrace local tropical climatic conditions using passive design strategies. These include strategically orientating residential blocks to reduce heat gain from the sun while enhancing natural ventilation within the flats (for which we employ an Environmental Modelling tool IEM). Additionally, HDB has implemented various cooling measures in existing HDB towns such as introducing more greenery in common areas, and piloted the use of cool paint to reduce ambient temperatures (i.e. through the HDB Green Towns Programme). While these approaches help reduce the urban heat island effect within HDB towns and improve thermal comfort for residents, we are looking for more solutions that can be adopted or applied within the flats to further enhance residents’ thermal comfort.

    We are open to a wide range of potential solutions focused on improving indoor thermal comfort. Any solution that reduces temperature and humidity or induces wind movement within the flat is attractive. Ideally, solutions can be retrofitted in existing buildings or included in new buildings during construction. Solutions that can be readily applied at scale are preferred. We are open to solutions that can be applied externally (e.g. new building materials, phase-changing materials, etc.), as well as solutions that can be applied internally (e.g. finishes, fixtures and passive or low-energy active cooling solutions, etc.).

    With the right solution, this challenge can make a significant impact for residents of 1 million public housing flats in Singapore, and in other hot and humid geographies. Additionally, with a passive or low energy solution, together we can significantly contribute to a more sustainable living environment and are therefore looking forward to your application.


    Technical Requirements:

    • Comfort: The primary metric to measure the success of a solution is the perceived thermal comfort by residents. This could be achieved by reducing temperature or humidity or increasing wind flow. The bigger the increase in comfort, the better. For reference, applying cool paint reduced ambient temperatures up to 2°C.
    • Scalability: The solution should be scalable and capable of implementation across multiple HDB towns through HDB's Build-to-order (BTO) projects or the Green Towns Programme.
    • Integration: The solution should seamlessly integrate with existing HDB infrastructure and systems. It should not necessitate significant modifications to the current infrastructure.
    • Energy efficiency: The solution should preferably be passive. If it is active, it shall not significantly increase energy consumption or rely on air-conditioning to achieve results.
    • Durability and Safety: The solution should prioritise safety and durability and have a long lifespan, at least comparable to the current building materials and systems used in HDB towns. It should be capable of withstanding Singapore's harsh tropical and humid climate over its lifespan. It should not pose any safety risks to residents or the environment and should meet all regulatory requirements.
    • Maintenance: The solution should require minimal maintenance for residents.

    Performance Criteria:

    The performance criteria will be determined on a case-by-case basis. In general, we evaluate based on the payback period, total cost of ownership and the costs for construction and maintenance.

    • Cost-effectiveness: The solution should be cost-effective and affordable to produce and use. The cost of the solution should be proportional to the increase in thermal comfort by residents. We are looking for the most significant reduction in perceived temperature possible.
    • Energy usage: Active solutions that require energy should use as little as possible and encourage residents to use less aircon and be more sustainable.


    Cost targets will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


    Phase 1: POC development: Start of POC in Q2 2025. Duration is to be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the solution.

    Phase 2: Commercial roll-out: To be determined on a case-by-case basis


    Singapore has more than 1 million HDB flats located across 24 towns and 3 estates. These flats accommodate about 80% of Singapore's resident population. The solutions, if successful, can be implemented in flats island-wide. Additionally, we are open for solution providers to collaborate with other companies to pilot their solution.

    [SJ1]Suggest to remove this as we are not looking for solutions that residents can choose to purchase directly from the open market based on their needs/ preference


    Cash contributions:
    • Up to S$1,000,000 to support the POC development (depending on project qualifying cost).
    • POC development budget will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the quality and feasibility of the proposed solutions.
    In-kind contributions:
    • Mentorship and support for solution development
    • Access to relevant datasets, lab facilities and pilot site(s)


    We are looking for solutions that can be developed and implemented within 2 years.

    Intellectual Property (IP): For Background IP (BIP), both parties will retain their respective IPs bought into the project. In the event of new Foreground IP (FIP) creation, IP ownership will be based on the contribution of each inventor.

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    Innovators applying to the SOIC 6th Edition Open Category will be automatically entered into TLC, so you do not have to apply for SOIC 6th Edition and TLC separately. The applications will then be evaluated under both SOIC 6th Edition and TLC. You will also stand a chance to win prizes and access opportunities from both challenges.

    Benefits for SOIC 6th Edition Applicants: prize

    • Automatic entry to TLC 2025, with an opportunity to compete for the TLC prizes (S$2 million and other potential investments).
    • An opportunity to compete for a S$75,000 cash prize, sponsored by Hexagon Group under SOIC 6th Edition.
    • Potential inclusion in the pipeline for Temasek Trust’s Catalytic Capital for Climate & Health (C3H), an impact-first vehicle that provides early-stage funding for solutions.
    • Exposure to companies with industry applications in the areas of Decarbonisation and Cool Earth.
    • Exposure to growth catalysts, such as VCs, through SOIC 6th Edition partners and events.

    Please note that being invited to apply to the Catalytic Capital for Climate & Health (C3H) programme does not provide applicants priority during evaluation.

    More on SOIC 6th Edition Open Category

    SOIC Open Category x TLC is looking for disruptive, deep-tech solutions that can provide scalable and impactful solutions to reduce carbon emissions at scale across diverse industries.

    In addition, SOIC Open Category has garnered strong industry interest in the same Decarbonisation and Cool Earth themes.

    Under the 2 themes, there are multiple topics that are backed by participating companies with industry applications they are interested to find solutions for.

    Other than Temasek Foundation, Temasek Trust and Hexagon Group viewing your proposals, these participating companies will also be reviewing your submissions for their respective industry applications, which could lead to further conversations and potential pilot opportunities for you.

    Under the themes of Decarbornisation
    and Cool Earth, the topics include:

    1. Decarbonisation

    Leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance efficiency and optimise processes across all sustainability efforts.

    To provide additional exposure for innovators, proposals may also be shared with demand drivers from the AI Open Innovation Challenge.

    Industry Applications:

    Developing cost-effective energy generation from renewable sources, technologies for clean energy transition, and solutions for long-term energy storage. This could include tidal energy, hydropower, energy storage systems, green hydrogen and ammonia solutions.

    Industry Applications:

    Creating packaging solutions that reduce energy consumption in manufacturing and logistics, contributing to overall energy efficiency. intelligence to enhance efficiency.

    Industry Applications:

    Innovating in transportation systems to improve energy efficiency in hard-to-abate sectors such as aviation and marine.

    Industry Applications:

    Developing effective capture and conversion technologies for carbon, turning it into value-added products or achieving permanent carbon removal and storage. This could include waste-to-resource conversion (conversion of point-source carbon, biomass-based or other waste carbon into high-value products like sustainable aviation fuels, marine fuels, chemicals, fertilisers, proteins or stable building materials).

    Improving energy efficiency in the food and agriculture sector through innovative agricultural technologies. This could include precision agriculture solutions for improvement in yield & soil conditions, and water-tech for rural applications.

    Significantly reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions in the built environment through advanced construction technologies. This could include low-carbon materials for construction.

    2. Cool Earth

    Developing technologies, materials, or systems that help urban environments and populations withstand and adapt to rising temperatures. This could include innovative cooling solutions, heat-resistant materials, or strategies to mitigate urban heat island effects.

    Inventing medical technologies or interventions that address health issues worsened by climate change. This could include solutions for heat-related illnesses, tech-enabled low cost health-care delivery / surveillance, and point-of-care diagnostics/devices for low & middle income economies.

    Creating solutions that help communities and ecosystems adapt to the changing climate. This may involve blue carbon solutions (e.g. seaweed cultivation, mangrove restoration), green carbon solutions (e.g. bamboo cultivation, low-methane agriculture), flood prevention technologies, drought-resistant agriculture, innovative approaches to protect biodiversity in the face of climate change.

    Industry Applications

    The following companies are participating in the SOIC Open Category with their respective industry applications. They will review the proposals for further discussions and potential pilot opportunities:

    • ADNOC: How might we create a transportable module (e.g. caravan), which is fully self-sustainable operationally, (requiring minimal maintenance, without external water and power supplies), that can be deployed as a low-cost residential option in (i) remote areas for on-site employees, and (ii) urban areas for the general populace?
    • ARLANXEO How might we transform ARLANXEO’s primary waste streams (spent caustic and/or spent alumina gel) into valuable resources, for reintegration into ARLANXEO’s manufacturing processes?
    • Kuok Maritime: How might we use innovative digital solutions to enhance vessel efficiency and optimise energy consumption in Singapore's maritime sector?
    • LAB7: How can we develop cost-effective carbon utilisation technologies that minimise environmental impact, offset greenhouse gas emissions and create valuable products to support Circular Carbon Economy?
    • LAB7: How can we apply advancements in engineering to develop more efficient, scalable and cost-effective electrochemical energy storage solutions that reduce dependency on non-renewable resources and support sustainable energy transition?
    • Lenovo: How might we use novel, alternative bio-based packaging that remains sleek, robust, lightweight and 100% renewable for laptops?
    • Marquis: How might we utilise novel technologies to aggregate and process Ethanol more effectively, leveraging Singapore's unique/existing infrastructure (refineries, storage facilities & ports), to decarbonize the Transport (Aviation, Maritime, and Land) Industries.
    • Micron: How might we transition to carbon-neutral technologies or green fuels for our critical systems, particularly abatement systems and Diesel Uninterruptible Power Supply (DUPS)?
    • Renault: How might we reinvent the car from an engineering and advanced materials standpoint (e.g. new lightweight materials, new ways to generate energy inside the vehicle, energy consumption reduction for electronic parts/systems, new solutions to replace rare earths in engine) to achieve carbon neutrality?
    • Wilmar Trading: How might we leverage AI to support biodiversity monitoring at the farm level & optimisation of resource use (e.g. by reducing inputs such as fertilisers and pesticides) through readily available remote sensing information?

    Your Solution Should Be:

    • Carbon negative in the overall lifecycle and have zero or minimal externalities;
    • Technology-based (physical or chemical);
    • Commercially viable and scalable;
    • Feasible to conduct a pilot in Singapore or within Southeast Asia.

    For More Information, Please Visit the Following Websites:

    Learn More

    Join the online industry briefing session to gain insights on the categories and have a Q&A session with industry leaders.

    Date: 28 November 2024

    Time: 4PM (SGT/GMT+8)

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