Innovation Challenges

Challenge Owner(s) Land Transport Authority (LTA)
Organiser(s) Land Transport Authority (LTA)
Industry Type(s) Land Transport
Opportunities and Support We are looking for innovative solutions for conducting longitudinal analysis
Application Start Date 2 January 2025
Application End Date 27 February 2025
Website Click here to learn more

About Challenge

Review of Economic Parameters Study and Implementation of Innovative Strategies for Conducting Longitudinal Analysis

LTA utilises key economic parameters such as Value of Time (VoT) and accident costs in economic evaluations, transport modelling and operations. The economic parameters were last updated in 2015 via a Stated Preference (SP) survey. Since then, there have been significant changes in socio-economic conditions and transport infrastructure developments post-pandemic which impacted commuters’ VoT, sensitivity towards different cost factors and willingness to pay to avoid accidents. LTA is seeking to update the economic parameters via a new SP survey.

Other than updating the economic parameters, the Call for Solutions (CFS) will also include studies such as impact of car parking reduction on car ownership and usage, role of car-sharing services and factors influencing the choice of public transport modes, to allow LTA to formulate planning and policy recommendations to boost public transport adoption.

To address the challenge of the numerous surveys conducted throughout each year, which often requires the recruitment of new respondents, this CFS will also include providing and implementing innovative solutions for conducting longitudinal analysis (e.g. via a Research Survey Panel (RSP)) using the respondents recruited for the SP survey.

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Challenge Owner(s)Land Transport Authority (LTA)
Industry Types(s)Land Transport


LTA utilises key economic parameters such as value of time (VoT) and accident costs in economic evaluations, transport modelling and operations. The economic parameters were last updated in 2015 via a stated preference (SP) survey. Since then, there have been significant changes in socio-economic conditions and transport infrastructure developments post-pandemic which would have impacted commuters’ VoT, sensitivity towards different cost factors and willingness to pay to avoid accidents. As such, LTA intends to update the economic parameters via an SP survey (plus any other recommended methods). Other than updating the economic parameters, the Call for Solutions will also include the following studies to allow LTA to formulate planning and policy recommendations to encourage more use of public transport:

• Study on impact of car parking reduction on car ownership and usage to inform development of car lite towns.

• Study the role of car-sharing services in the transport sector. This includes studying factors influencing car-sharing usage, and exploring whether car-sharing is complementary or cannibalising from public transport and how willingness to pay for car-sharing services varies across different commuters, with a specific focus on the north-east region. The study for the north-east region should also include assessment on whether car sharing has any impact on North-East Line (NEL) loading.

• Identify factors influencing public bus and rail mode choice. This includes recommending strategies to shift bus commuters to rail, particularly when there are new rail lines.

LTA conducts numerous surveys throughout the year, each requiring the recruitment of new respondents. This process is both time-consuming and costly. To address this challenge, the Call for Solutions (CFS) will also include providing and implementing innovative solutions for conducting longitudinal analysis (e.g. via a Research Survey Panel (RSP)) using the respondents recruited for the SP survey. The respondents recruited are intended to be made available for other LTA divisions to tap on for their project needs. This will reduce the time and cost of repeatedly finding new respondents while ensuring that the future survey results are representative. A governance framework is required to be established to safeguard the confidentiality and privacy of the respondents’ information, ensuring ethical data management and compliance with data protection regulations.

What We Are Looking For

LTA is seeking proposals that can cover the following key requirements:

A. Base Requirements

1. General Requirements:

a. By undertaking and submitting proposal for this CFS, the Organisation is to be deemed to have agreed that they will enter into the Terms and Conditions (in addition to other terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed) stated in Appendix A of this brief that will be contained in a Collaboration Agreement (“Agreement”) in the event Organisation is awarded the Agreement.

b. The Organisation is to undertake literature review, survey design, data collection and data analysis for all studies.

c. The Organisation shall complete all studies within 24 months from commencement date of Agreement.

d. The Organisation shall purchase a sampling frame from Department of Statistics.

e. The Organisation shall submit, for the Authority’s approval, a proposal on sampling methodology and segmentation of sample. The Organisation shall propose a sampling methodology and design an interactive SP survey (plus any other recommended methodologies). The survey shall be conducted using electronic means, with adaptive attribute value (attribute values e.g. travel time or cost will be adjusted based on respondents’ stated journey information).

f. The Organisation shall submit, for the Authority’s approval, a proposal for data collection methodology. The Organisation shall assess the benefits and cons of different data collection methods such as face to face or digital online survey, as well as ways to overcome shortfalls of selected method taking into consideration the survey methodology. For both face to face and digital survey, the survey findings shall be captured via electronic means.

g. The Organisation shall submit, for the Authority’s approval, a proposal outlining the strategy to reach out to the pre-selected desired respondents for both digital and face to face surveys (e.g. via mail, hotline and/or house visit). The Organisation is to ensure the survey is conducted in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, codes and guidelines in Singapore and as per their own institution processes. This will include but not limited to, obtaining the necessary Institutional Review Board (IRB) approvals required for the conduct of survey.

h. The Organisation may consider other forms of outreach and sampling strategy for difficult profiles (e.g. elderly, households with young children) within the sampling frame, including manual intercept surveys or official letters, subject to approval by the Authority and at no additional cost to the Authority.

i. The Organisation shall illustrate that the proposed methodology can ensure that the samples collected are random, unbiased and consistent with the desired sampling distribution.

j. The Organisation shall design and implement a quality control procedure, logic checks and fraud detection algorithms to ensure the highest possible accuracy and completeness of collated data.

k. A sample size of around 5,000 unique persons for interviews will be expected to meet the study objectives. This sample size serves as a guideline and the Organisation shall recommend an appropriate sample size for each part of the scope of study.

l. The Organisation is to provide franking services if such services are required.

m. Details on the demographics of the respondents (e.g. age, sex, household income, employment status etc) are to be recorded for the purpose of the longitudinal analysis.

n. A data governance framework is to be established to safeguard the confidentiality and privacy of the respondents’ information, ensuring ethical data management and compliance with data protection regulations.

o. The duration of interview for each segment for each unique respondent shall not exceed 10 minutes

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All parties interested to participate in this Call for Solutions are invited to attend a technical briefing to understand more information on the problem statement.

Date: 16 Jan 2025

Time: 1430 – 1630H (SGT/GMT +8).

Each company/ organisation is allowed to send a maximum of 2 representatives to the briefing.

If you are interested to attend the briefing, please register here by 13 Jan 2025, 1600H (SGT/GMT +8).

We seek your understanding that we are unable to accommodate registrations received after said date and time. Kindly note that the briefing will only be conducted if enough registrations have been received. All eligible registered attendees will receive a confirmation email with information about the venue on 14 Jan 2025.