Innovation Challenges

Challenge Owner(s) Hitachi
Organiser(s) Hitachi
Industry Type(s)
Circular Economy & Sustainability, Digital/ICT, Sustainable Energy
Opportunities and Support Opportunity to pitch and discuss POC with Hitachi, collaborate with Hitachi incubation representatives
Application Start Date 20 November 2023
Application End Date 14 January 2024
Website Click here to learn more

About Challenge

Innovation Challenge for Digital Circular Economy
Following Hitachi’s mission of social innovation and green ease, Hitachi has launched the Innovation Challenge for Digital Circular Economy to ensure that the planet we pass on to the next generation will be a better place than the one we found!

If your company has a business solution to help tackle the problem below, we would like to hear from you. No matter where you are from, join this contest for the chance to develop a business partnership with Hitachi, a global group!

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Challenge Owner(s)Hitachi
Industry Types(s)
Circular Economy & Sustainability, Digital/ICT, Sustainable Energy

Circulation Based Eco-Designs

Based on the concept that products are not for one-time use but are later recycled and circulated, please propose solutions that support designs that include the concepts of disassembly and repurposing, and that utilize digital technology to connect designers and disassemblers (or disassembly robots), who have not collaborated much in the past

  • AI-based design and analysis of how to utilize dismantled parts and materials
  • Solutions utilizing data related to the disposal of EVs, which are expected to increase in the future
  • Digital technology using data for automated disassembly that repurposes or recycles recycled materials according to their quality

What We Are Looking For

  • Issue addressed by your project and value of the solution
  • Overview of the project and technology used
  • Addressed market (target area, market size)
  • Business model
  • Obstacles to implementation and required resources
  • Nice to have: ecosystem and stakeholders involved in the project

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Challenge Owner(s)Hitachi
Industry Types(s)
Circular Economy & Sustainability, Digital/ICT, Sustainable Energy

Bio Based Material Circulation

Solutions that utilize digital technology to collect and analyze data different from inorganic materials and products required in the lifecycle of biological materials

  • LCA analysis and management for materials of biological origin using data.
  • Traceability using AI-based data analysis and digital technology specific to the life cycle of biological materials and their products

What We Are Looking For

  • Issue addressed by your project and value of the solution
  • Overview of the project and technology used
  • Addressed market (target area, market size)
  • Business model
  • Obstacles to implementation and required resources
  • Nice to have: ecosystem and stakeholders involved in the project

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Challenge Owner(s)Hitachi
Industry Types(s)
Circular Economy & Sustainability, Digital/ICT, Sustainable Energy

Plastic Circulation

  • Solutions for any type of plastic (PET, Nylon, etc.), but that comply with the regulations of each country and the regulations of each application of the recycled material (e.g., for use in food products).
  • Digital technology for collecting and analyzing quality data of recycled.

What We Are Looking For

  • Issue addressed by your project and value of the solution
  • Overview of the project and technology used
  • Addressed market (target area, market size)
  • Business model
  • Obstacles to implementation and required resources
  • Nice to have: ecosystem and stakeholders involved in the project

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Challenge Owner(s)Hitachi
Industry Types(s)
Circular Economy & Sustainability, Digital/ICT, Electronics, Sustainable Energy

Battery Circulation

While various data can already be obtained at the manufacturing and utilization stages of batteries, etc., please propose a solution using digital technology that contributes to the proper management of circulation or partial efficiency and management throughout the lifecycle, including material recycling, component recycling, repurposing/2nd use, sharing, etc

What We Are Looking For

  • Issue addressed by your project and value of the solution
  • Overview of the project and technology used
  • Addressed market (target area, market size)
  • Business model
  • Obstacles to implementation and required resources
  • Nice to have: ecosystem and stakeholders involved in the project

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