Innovation Challenges

Challenge Owner(s) NTUitive Pte Ltd
Organiser(s) NTUitive Pte Ltd
Industry Type(s)
Energy & Chemicals, Food Manufacturing, Sustainable Energy, Urban Solutions
Application Start Date 26 May 2020
Application End Date 20 July 2020
Website Click here to learn more

About Challenge

Sustainable development is at the heart of the Singapore story and Singapore is often held up as an example of the plucky nation that survived and thrived despite having minimal resources. The tenacity of our people and steadfast thought-leadership is often cited as the reasons for our success.

Singapore was built by resilient and industrious people and our response to COVID-19 has demonstrated this. Businesses need to innovate to continue functioning in challenging circumstances. Work needs to be reimagined and reinvented using contemporary technologies.

Inspired by the  United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, ideasinc 2020 looks for challenges and solutions in the areas of crisis prevention, building a city of resilience and/or environmental sustainability.

This is an excellent opportunity for budding entrepreneurs and companies to find ways to accelerate their growth and development as they seek profitable solutions to tackle issues faced by our nation and to scale their ideas and products to new markets.

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