Challenge Owner(s) |
Mapletree, CapitaLand Group, Keppel Land, NTUC Club
Organiser(s) |
National Environment Agency (NEA), Enterprise Singapore
Industry Type(s) |
Digital/ICT, Environmental Services, National Innovation Challenges
Opportunities and Support | Up to $2 million funding with testbedding opportunities |
Application Start Date | 2 October 2020 |
Application End Date | 6 January 2021 |
Website | Click here to learn more |
About Challenge
The National Environment Agency (NEA) and Enterprise Singapore (Enterprise SG) have jointly launched the Call for Data-driven Environmental Services (ES) Operations as part of the National Innovation Challenges (NIC). This innovation challenge is launched together with four problem owners (CapitaLand Limited, Keppel Land Limited, Mapletree Investments Pte Ltd and NTUC Club) who are partners under NEA’s ES Industry Transformation Map (ITM) INCUBATE partnership programme.
To demonstrate scalability of the proposed solution, interested solvers shall:
- Commit capacity to undertake at least 2 problem owners and justify their preferred choice (if any)
- Demonstrate capability to develop a solution based on the requirements for all problem owners
This call provides selected solvers with the opportunity to develop solutions to address validated market needs identified through working with the problem owners, with first deployment lined up following successful prototyping. Building on their first demonstration, solvers can potentially scale through industry-wide adoption and internationalise.
Challenge Owner(s) | NTUC Club, Keppel Land, CapitaLand Group, Mapletree |
Industry Types(s) | Digital/ICT, Environmental Services, National Innovation Challenges |
Challenge Statment
How might we develop an effective and cost saving solution for the Environmental Services sector, to enable seamless data monitoring, interpretation and analysis, while improving productivity, service quality and performance for both service buyers and service providers?
What Are We Looking For?
A digital platform for a seamless interpretation and analysis of Environmental Services (ES) data across formats to assist users to monitor conditions of their properties, improve service responses and optimise resource allocation in near real-time condition. The solution should translate to cost savings, improvement in productivity, service quality and performance for users.
Briefing Session
NEA, INCUBATE Partners (22 October 2020)
9.30am – 11.00am (GMT +8)
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