Innovation Challenges

Challenge Owner(s)
ABM Media, Gear Innovation Network, National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC), GlobalSign.In
Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), Agorize
Industry Type(s)
Digital/ICT, Retail
Application Start Date 6 May 2020
Application End Date 5 June 2020
Website Click here to learn more

About Challenge

Innovate for social good. Co-create lasting digital solutions to impact the most vulnerable social groups affected by COVID-19 in Singapore and win a total of SGD 15,000 with IMDA and its partners. Globally open.


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Challenge Owner(s)ABM Media

How might we bring all stakeholders onto a single platform to offer sponsored resources and incentivise their communities for a better match of skills-based volunteering, so as to ensure accountability of sponsored resources and deliver socially responsible activities together?


ABM Media envisions a digital platform to incentivise all stakeholders to do good together and strengthen the giving/receiving (exchange) culture between them. For example, ABM Media is sponsoring Singapore's largest digital billboard at Ten Square during Meaningful Sunday, to incentivise all stakeholders to work together and create shared value for the wider community. Another example would be companies using this new digital platform to sponsor resources (Goods & Services), while activating their own employees and even students to offer their skills to the community. 

Real-time data collected from this platform would serve as key performance indicators for ease of impact reporting and funding support for all stakeholders. All users of the platform can visualise their collective effort in real-time and ultimately understand how resources are allocated quantitatively and accounted for qualitatively.

Challenge Owner(s)National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC)
Industry Types(s)Digital/ICT

How can we enhance trust and reliance within the neighbourhood communities so as to promote a culture of giving and support, especially for the vulnerable families, by the community for the community?


Innovative digital solutions that can facilitate help and support within the community and the neighbourhood from time-to-time. Success in this project means strengthening the community resilience among residents, promoting a Gotong Royong (co-operation of the community) spirit. Success will also mean the use of technology to enhance and amplify a culture of giving, caring for the vulnerable groups, and exchange of help within the community in the long term.

Challenge Owner(s)National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC)
Industry Types(s)
Environmental Services, Food Manufacturing

How might we leverage digital solutions to create a food rescue or repurpose ecosystem, made up of the food industry, charities, and supporting industry to minimise food wastage in Singapore?


Innovative digital solutions that can become a marketplace platform to facilitate a robust end-to-end rescue and re-distribution process of the excess edible quality food. Success could also mean the use of technology to repurpose excess food, leftovers, and raw materials.
Challenge Owner(s)
National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC), GlobalSign.In
Industry Types(s)
Digital/ICT, Food Services, Healthcare & Biomedical

How might we reduce the barrier for migrant workers to gain access to healthcare services, food, shelter, information, and rights independently so that they are aware of the help available and can ask and receive help in time?


Innovative digital solutions that can assist migrant workers to access information and tap onto credible sources of help in the community in a more effective manner rather than an uncoordinated response. The kind of help can span from healthcare needs to food and shelter, as well as information on their rights as employees.
Challenge Owner(s)Gear Innovation Network
Industry Types(s)Logistics

How might we transform the supply chain into more adaptive, sustainable business models that also meet the demands of societal needs in deeper public-private partnerships?


Scalable solutions that can empower existing businesses with traditional business models to transform their product offerings and mode of service deliveries in the face of COVID-19 – in a manner that maintains (i) business competitiveness; (ii) be socially responsible by helping displaced workers get back on their feet – and yet (iii) remain compliant with government guidelines (such as safety distancing measures).
Challenge Owner(s)Gear Innovation Network
Industry Types(s)Digital/ICT

How can we leverage digital and other complementary technologies to optimise our workforce and business operations across different locations and countries to support segregation, testing and isolation requirements, ensuring workforce safety while minimising business disruption and cost?


An enterprise solution (leveraging digital and other complementary technologies) that helps our companies optimise business operations across markets, while ensuring the safety of our workforce. Specifically, the solution needs to be data-driven and allow continuous risk quantification with adjustable risk threshold and generate options for decision making. The solution needs to be easily deployed in our various markets and companies which have regional presence.