Innovation Challenges

Challenge Owner(s)
Asahi Tekko, Aisin Group, Minamichita Town, Central Air Group
Aichi Prefectural Government, ICMG Pte Ltd, National University of Singapore
Industry Type(s)
Air Transport, Land Transport, Precision Engineering
Application Start Date 31 August 2020
Application End Date 26 October 2020
Website Click here to learn more

About Challenge

ICMG, in collaboration with the Aichi Prefectural Government and the National University of Singapore, will co-create a project to solve regional problems with the aim of realizing a smart sustainable city in Aichi Prefecture.

Calling for solutions related to:

  • Asahi Tekko - Calling for solutions related to manufacturing
  • Aisin Group - Calling for solutions related to mobility
  • Minamichita Town - Calling for solutions related utilisation of underused assets e.g. houses, land, farms
  • Central Air Group - Calling for solutions related to airports, aviation


Learn more

Webinar Session

Session 1 (September 23)
For Japan: Wednesday, September 23, 15:00-16:00 *Proceeding in Japanese
For Singapore: Wednesday, September 23, 16:00-17:00 *Proceeding in English

Session 2 (October 7)
For Japan: Wednesday,October 7th 15:00-16:00 *Proceeding in Japanese
For Singapore: Wednesday, October 7th 16:00-17:00 *Proceeding in English